POU Details

POU Type: Central India Regional Council branches (CIRCB)
Contact Person: CA Punit Choudhary
Region: Central
Membership Fee:
Address: Sourav Enclave, Ist floor, Bose Park, M G Road, Bhagalpur-812001
City: Bhagalpur
State: Bihar
PIN: 812001
Country: INDIA
Phone: 9431213297
Fax: 9431213297
Primary E-mail: Bhagalpur@icai.org
Alternate E-mail: punitchoudhary@yahoo.co.in
POUs can update the details of contact person and office bearers along with the period of holding offices through POU’s Page. Regarding change in address they are required to send a communication under the signature of the Chairman and secretary at cpedadmin@icai.in

Office Bearer(s)

S.No. Type MRN Name Phone No. E-mail Period From Period To
1. Chairman 059269 CA AJAY KUMAR BHAGAT 9934278878 akbhagatassociates@gmail.com 01-04-2024 31-03-2025
2. Vice Chairman 405968 CA Murari Khetan 9473462063 murarikhetan2005@yahoo.co.in 01-04-2024 31-03-2025
3. Secretary 308926 CA Nilesh Kumar Agrawal 7667441286 nksinghaneka@gmail.com 01-04-2024 31-03-2025