POU Details

POU Type: Foreign Chapters (FC)
Contact Person: CA. Pramod K. Chand
Region: Foreign Chapter
Membership Fee:
Address: RAS Al Khaimah Chapter of ICAI
P.O. Box. 28981
Ras Al Khaimah
United Arab Emirates
City: UAE
State: Other
Country: UAE
Phone: 00971 52 987 5259
Fax: 00971 72467347
Primary E-mail: chairman.icairakchapter@gmail.com
Alternate E-mail: jaingautamchand@gmail.com
POUs can update the details of contact person and office bearers along with the period of holding offices through POU’s Page. Regarding change in address they are required to send a communication under the signature of the Chairman and secretary at cpedadmin@icai.in

Office Bearer(s)

S.No. Type MRN Name Phone No. E-mail Period From Period To
1. Chairman 50357 CA P.K Chand 971529875259 chand_p_k@yahoo.com 01-04-2024 31-03-2025
2. Vice Chairman 60997 CA Ramesh Chandra Jha 971522449765 rameshjha1978@gmail.com 01-04-2024 31-03-2025
3. Secretary 401917 CA Gautam Chand Jain 971522817004 jaingautamchand@gmail.com 01-04-2024 31-03-2025
4. Treasurer 518124 CA Manish Jindal 971524732199 manishjindal1209@gmail.com 01-04-2024 31-03-2025
5. Member (Management Committee) 200972 CA Saju Augustine 971504817687 sajuaugustine@krestonmenon.com 01-04-2024 31-03-2025
6. Member (Management Committee) 79776 CA Piyush Nagori 971545028017 piyushnagori@gmail.com 01-04-2024 31-03-2025
7. Member (Management Committee) 409181 CA K Srikant 971547592974 casrikantkontheti@gmail.com 01-04-2024 31-03-2025