POU Details

POU Type: Northern India Regional Council Branchs (NIRCB)
Contact Person: RAJ KUMAR (9419669132)
Region: Northern
Membership Fee:
Address: Aaykar Bhawan Rail Head Complex, Jammu-Tawi
City: Jammu
State: Jammu and Kashmir
PIN: 180004
Country: India
Phone: 01912581027
Fax: 01912581027
Primary E-mail: jammu_kashmir@icai.org
Alternate E-mail: rajkumarbaloria@gmail.com
POUs can update the details of contact person and office bearers along with the period of holding offices through POU’s Page. Regarding change in address they are required to send a communication under the signature of the Chairman and secretary at cpedadmin@icai.in

Office Bearer(s)

S.No. Type MRN Name Phone No. E-mail Period From Period To
1. Chairman 537675 CA. Vineet Kohli 9419111164 cavineetkohli@gmail.com 537675 24-02-2024 28-02-2025
2. Vice Chairman 528090 CA. Sourav Pargal 9419229290 casp2929@gmail.com 24-02-2024 28-02-2025
3. Secretary 548085 CA. Priya Seht 9870154666 priyaseht@gmail.com 24-02-2024 28-02-2025
4. Treasurer 500312 CA. Vikas Purdhani 9419111913 vikaspurdhani@gmail.com 24-02-2024 28-02-2025
5. Member (Management Committee) 556862 CA. Ayush Sawhney 9796855559 ayushsawhney555@gmail.com 24-02-2024 28-02-2025
6. Member (Management Committee) 541550 CA. Nakul Saraf 9419132111 sarafnakul7@gmail.com 24-02-2024 28-02-2025