POU Type: | Northern India Regional Council Branchs (NIRCB) |
Contact Person: | RAJ KUMAR (9419669132) |
Branch: | – |
Region: | Northern |
Membership Fee: | |
Address: | Aaykar Bhawan Rail Head Complex, Jammu-Tawi |
City: | Jammu |
State: | Jammu and Kashmir |
PIN: | 180004 |
Country: | India |
Phone: | 01912581027 |
Fax: | 01912581027 |
Primary E-mail: | jammu_kashmir@icai.org |
Alternate E-mail: | rajkumarbaloria@gmail.com |
POUs can update the details of contact person and office bearers along with the period of holding offices through POU’s Page. Regarding change in address they are required to send a communication under the signature of the Chairman and secretary at cpedadmin@icai.in |
Office Bearer(s)
S.No. | Type | MRN | Name | Phone No. | Period From | Period To | |
1. | Chairman | 537675 | CA. Vineet Kohli | 9419111164 | cavineetkohli@gmail.com 537675 | 24-02-2024 | 28-02-2025 |
2. | Vice Chairman | 528090 | CA. Sourav Pargal | 9419229290 | casp2929@gmail.com | 24-02-2024 | 28-02-2025 |
3. | Secretary | 548085 | CA. Priya Seht | 9870154666 | priyaseht@gmail.com | 24-02-2024 | 28-02-2025 |
4. | Treasurer | 500312 | CA. Vikas Purdhani | 9419111913 | vikaspurdhani@gmail.com | 24-02-2024 | 28-02-2025 |
5. | Member (Management Committee) | 556862 | CA. Ayush Sawhney | 9796855559 | ayushsawhney555@gmail.com | 24-02-2024 | 28-02-2025 |
6. | Member (Management Committee) | 541550 | CA. Nakul Saraf | 9419132111 | sarafnakul7@gmail.com | 24-02-2024 | 28-02-2025 |