Event Details

Program on Companies Act (CORPORATE LAWS)
Event ID: 10970623
Date: From: 27-07-2024 – To: 27-07-2024
ICE ID: 970623 For details about ICAI-ICE ,Click here(FAQ)
Event Venue: ICAI Tower, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400051
City: Mumbai
CPE Hrs: 6
Venue Capacity: 300
Fees: 708
Joint Seminar: N
If Yes, with whom:
Hosted by:
For Registration & further details, please contact: 02233671421
Programme Structure
Inaugural Address:
Valedictory Address:
Date Description From To Faculty Chairman CPE Hrs
Day 1
27-07-2024 Compliances & Certificates under Companies Act : 10:00:00 11:30:00 CA. Vaibhav Naik Nil 1.50
27-07-2024 Related Party Transaction – Auditor’s responsibilities : 11:45:00 13:15:00 AMIT ARVIND HUNDIA Nil 1.50
27-07-2024 Common pit falls in disclosure under Schedule III : 14:15:00 15:45:00 CA Viral Shah Nil 1.50
27-07-2024 Inspection u/s 206 & responding to Inspection and 143(3) reporting : 16:00:00 17:30:00 Padmashree Crasto Nil 1.50