- Accounting
- Auditing
- Bank Audit
- Banking
- Certificate Course on ADR
- Certificate Course on Anti Money laundering Laws
- Certificate Course on Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting
- Certificate Course on Concurrent Audit of Banks
- Certificate Course on Cooperatives / NPO
- Certificate Course on Derivatives
- Certificate Course on Enterprise Risk Management
- Certificate Course on Forensic Accounting and Fraud Detection
- Certificate Course on Forex and Treasury Management
- Certificate Course on GST
- Certificate Course on Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS)
- Certificate Course on Internal Audit
- Certificate Course on Public Finance & Government Accounting
- Certificate Course on Wealth Management and Financial Planning
- Corporate Laws
- Cost Accounting
- Diploma in Insurance and Risk Management
- Diploma on Management and Business Finance
- Direct Tax
- Financial Management
- Ind- AS/ IAS/ IFRS
- Indirect Tax
- International Taxation
- IT- Skills
S.No. Faculty Name Topic City Mobile No. Email ID 1. CS Anuj Agarwal Cyber Law & Cyber Crime 9810347977 abs.anuj@gmail.com 2. CA Brijesh Gandhi Data Analysis: Writing Filters and creating Computed Fields, Relating tables and Combining tables 9820098370 gbrijesh24@gmail.com 3. CA Kranthi Kumar Kedari Digital Forensics- How to analyse various logs in computer during investigation a)Security logs b) System logs c) Printer logs d) web event logs e) Network logs 8374799955 kranthikumar1980@gmail.com 4. CA Ashutosh Prajapati MS Word – Better utilisation of various functions – reviewing, cross-referencing, hyperlinks 9867593075 ashutosh.prajapati@gmail.com 5. Prof. Farhat Jummani Using the Power of Microsoft Word for Business Communication Mumbai 9869308949 jfarht@gmail.com 6. CA Avinash Shukla Excel – A Business Analysis Tool 9890184190 aas.avinash@gmail.com 7. CA. Subin V R Excel As An Audit Tool 9995645879 ca.subin@gmail.com 8. CA.Deepak Kumar Jain Excel As An Audit Tool 7299669966 deepakca2001@gmail.com 9. CA. Anil Chugh Excel as Business Analysis Tools Covering- Conditional Formatting, Data Validation PIVOT Table, Charts/Smart Art/Views and Custom Views, Primary/ Secondary Axis Chart, Smart Art Tool, Freeze/ Unfreeze Panes 9999643564 anil.chugh@viomnetworks.com 10. Mr. Sunil Radhakrishnan Integration of Tally ERP -9 with Excel 9447096659 sunilradhakrishnan@gmail.com 11. CA Ashutosh Zawar MS Excel – Navigating within excel sheets, understanding formulae functions, preliminary data analysis tools, MS Powerpoint – Saving time in Powerpoint, Creating prefect looking slides 9867751877 ashutosh.zawar@ftacadamy.in 12. CA. Dungar Chand U Jain MS Excel as an Audit Tool 9894505007 dungarchand@hotmail.com 13. CA. M. Selva Kumar MS Access for Audit 9791031074 selvakumarca@gmail.com 14. CA Hitendra B Gandhi Tips for Winning Presentations w.r.t PPT 9321046222 hitugandhi@gmail.com 15. CA Shivakumar H MS Excel Bangalore 9844038807 shivakumar.h@icai.org 16. Charan Kumar Bommireddipalli Charan specializes in Enterprise Governance, assisting organizations in enhancing their profitability and competitiveness by leveraging internal audit and deploying technology for strategic advantage. With over 25 years of experience, Charan reviewed the Toronto 14164800160 ckumar@fernhillassociates.com 17. CA. Murtuza Kachwala Kalyan 9833015334 murtuza.kachwala1@protivitiglobal.in 18. CA Nilesh Kapadia IT Skills, Managment AURANGABAD 9422209826 nilesh@kapadias.org 19. Mr. Jawed Akhtar Jawed Akhtar, Director of Kanoo Consulting Services KCS has over 25 years of IT experience in various roles and responsibilities. He has distinct advantages of working with many vertical industries in Government/Public sector, Oil Industry, consulting and Manama 97339086091 n.gang@kanooconsulting.com 20. Sachin Dedhia Mumbai 9867700095 sachin@skynetsecure.com 21. CA. S. Rathinagiri Information Technology & Relevant Matters Sivakasi 9443146502 srathinagiri@gmail.com 22. Vijay Agarwal Microsoft Excel Expert NEW DELHI 9810315945 vijay@champexcel.com 23. S PADMANABHAN Microsoft Excel Expert TRIVANDRUM 9447964275 capadmanabhan@spcas.in 24. CA Yashwant kasar Pune 9822488777 yashwant@ykc.co.in 25. Mr. Anil Bhargavan Mumbai 9949482559 anil.bhargavan@tallysolutions.com 26. Mr. Sanjay Shukla Mumbai 9987897240 sanjay.shukla@tallysolutions.com 27. Mr. Kamlesh Prajapati Mumbai 8080642107 kamlesh@9thwonder.in 28. CA Ankit Sanghavi Mumbai 9820689003 ankit@cappsco.in 29. CA Punit Mehta Mumbai 9833861090 punit1mehta@gmail.com 30. Mr. Darshan Shah Mumbai 9967579840 darshan.shah@tallysolutions.com 31. CA Anand Paurana Mumbai 9892100828 anand.paurana@gmail.com 32. CA Vandana Dodhia Mumbai 9820029281 vandana.dodhia@gmail.com 33. CA Vikram Seth Mumbai 9820082559 vikram@sawindia.com 34. Mr. Nevil Sanghvi Mumbai 9820025061 nevilsanghvi@antraweb.com 35. CA Paresh Maneklal Panchal Information Technology, E-Filing, Office Automation, Cyber Security, IS Audits Mumbai 9821097393 pareshpanchal@icai.org 36. CA. Anil Satyanarayan Bhandari INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TOPICS MUMBAI 9821037605 anil.bhandari@anbglobal.com 37. CA JAY SHANKAR GOURH ADVANCE EXCEL, Utilisation of excel in forensic audit, Excel as Audit Tool RANIGANJ 9475136949 gourhjay@yahoo.co.in 38. CA. Mahesh Bhatki Mumbai 9821143038 mkbhatki@gmail.com 39. CA. Sarang Dalal Mumbai 9820281684 sarangdalal89@gmail.com 40. CA. Meghana Dalal Mumbai 9820298197 mdims@chetandalal.com 41. CA. Mehul Thakkar Mumbai 9167623566 camehulthakkar@gmail.com 42. Prof. Nilesh Nanda RAJKOT 9427219274 nilideas@yahoo.co.in 43. Ms Hiral Mehta Mumbai 9773407205 cavishnugavkare@gmail.com 44. CA. VIJAY AGARWAL New delhi 9810315945 vijay.agarwal.1234@gmail.com 45. R Jayaseelan Chennai 9380750250 jayseel@gmail.com 46. CA Pritesh Ostwal Advanced Excel, Data Analysis, IT Security. Tally Advanced Features. Pune 9503390009 capostwal@gmail.com 47. Ankit R. Shah Information Technology and Economy Ahmedabad 9428398147 shahankit1191988@gmail.com 48. CA SANJIB SANGHI INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY KOLKATA 9831434000 casanjibsanghi@gmail.com 49. CA RISHABH PUGALIA INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY KOLKATA 8100434000 rpugalia@gmail.com 50. Shri Kamal Gurnani Mumbai 9967128452 krgurnani@yahoo.co.in 51. Mr. Alok Gupta Digital Forensic and Strategies in Cyber Frauds Noida 9999189650 alok.gupta@pyramidcyber.com 52. CA. Kanwaljeet Khurana Corporate Frauds Noida 9711360580 kanwaljeet@onlineglobalcareer.com 53. CA. Anurag Khanna IT Varanasi 9415221160 anuragk67@gmail.com 54. CA. Devanshi Kamdar MS- Excel Ahmedabad 9904475301 devanshi_4@yahoo.co.in 55. CA. Vishwangsinh Jadeja MS-Excel Ahmedabad 9978218784 vishwang@kmsindia.in 56. SURESH PANT DEHRADUN 9012235800 icasuresh@gmail.com 57. CA. Nidhi Srivastava Delhi 9212104977 nsassociates.ca@gmail.com 58. CA Rishabh Pugalia, Mumbai Mumbai 022 pbreslin@moneypennyllc.com 59. Mr. Debajit Roy Capacity Building through Digital Empowerment Kolkata 9900093129 Debajit.Roy@wolterskluwer.com 60. Mr. Siddhant Mittal AGRA 8126998209 siddhant@ascomputer.in 61. Mr Pradeep Pardeshi Mumbai 9820435736 pradeep@techtrainings.net 62. CA Maitri Chheda Mumbai 9821447119 maitrichheda@gmail.com 63. Vinay Balaji Cyber Security – Vinay has worked on several security assessment engagements that involved evaluating the client’s security environment and controls. As part of these engagements, Vinay has advised clients to align their security controls against industry Vancouver 6048067070 vinay.p.balaji@ca.pwc.com 64. V. Balasubramanian Data Security & Privacy Mumbai 9819284005 bala.v@idbiintech.com 65. Shri Nandmohan Shenoy Mumbai 9820409261 nmdshenoy@yahoo.com 66. CA. Nitant Trilokar Mumbai 9820135597 nitanttrilokekar@yahoo.com 67. Ms Mansi Mehta Mumbai 9920453232 mansimehta@bdo.in 68. dr saurabh maheshwari Information Technology kota 9829203200 saurabh7381@gmail.com 69. Adv. Pawan Duggal Cyber crimes and Cyber Laws Delhi 9810271805 pavanduggal6@gmail.com 70. Dr. Onkar Nath Information System Audit Mumbai 9892399505 dronkar@yahoo.com 71. CA K K Mookhey Digital Security Mumbai 9820049549 kkmookhey@niiconsulting.com 72. CA Anand P Jangid Forensic Accounting and Fraud Prevention Bangalore 9620233516 anandjangid@gmail.com 73. Dr. Triveni Singh Investigation of Cyber Crime Lucknow 9696100100 triveni100100@gmail.com 74. Sri Mrutyunjay Mahapatra Cyber Security Mumbai 9930098000 mahapatra.sbi@gmail.com 75. Mr. Mitesh Gandhi Transforming SME business Mumbai 022 mgandhi@gmail.com 76. Mr. Kartik Shinde Security Tools Mumbai 022 kartiks001@rediffmail.com 77. Mr. Debajit Roy Cloud Computing And Cyber security Gurgaon 011 debajit@gmail.com 78. CA SHYAM KUMAR PASARI INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DHANBAD 9431502099 pasarisk@gmail.com 79. CA. NINAD NANDGAONKAR NAGPUR 09822468560 nanad_nandgaonkar@rediffmail.com 80. Mr.Rishikesh Kumar Sharma Raipur 8602452518 rishikeshkumar513@gmail.com 81. Mr.Ashutosh Dwivedi Raipur 9754775628 ashutosh4594549@gmail.com 82. PRADEEP TAMRAKAR TALLY AND BUSINESS SOFTWARES SATNA 9425426203 spansatna@gmail.com 83. CHUNDER SUVENDU Information Technology Kolkata 9830086986 suvendu.chunder@ckaca.net 84. Mr. Ajit Agarwal TALLY KOLKATA 8585088115 ajit@sparshmail.com 85. Ms. Swapna Roy TALLY KOLKATA 8585088115 swapna.roy@tallysolutions.com 86. ASWINI KUMAR BAJAJ Advance Excel Kolkata 9830197377 aswinibajaj@gmail.com 87. Joe S. Saynavong Joe S. Saygavong is Certified Microsoft Trainer (MCT), Post-grad Systems Analysis & Design & BSc. He has over 25 years of experience in process improvement, corporate training, task automation in the field of computer Tornto 16475315567 joe.saynavong@outlook.com 88. Mrs Pooja Joshi Mumbai 9619034174 pooja_joshi_in@yahoo.com 89. Mr. Darshan Doshi Tally ERP Mumbai 9998721036 Pritesh4account@gmail.com 90. Mrs.Shifna Fernandez MCA Ernakulam 9744495552 shifnafernandez@gmail.com 91. KIRAN KASHINATH USHA SHINDE AUDIT AND TAXATION. DISA, FAFP BOISAR 9762623479 kirankshindeandco@gmail.com 92. MRUNAL MADHUKAR KARVE AUDIT AND TAXATION PALGHAR 9545009887 mrunalkarve26@gmail.com 93. MR. JIGNESH GADANI TALLY ERP 9 BETA
GST FOR TALLYANAND 9879859629 radhe.infotech.anand@gmail.com 94. M. Parthasarathy MS -Office Coimbatore 9842416426 parthacbeitt@gmail.com 95. ANAND ASHOK ZAWAR CA , CISA AND DISA QULAIFIED NASHIK 9823064632 ANAND.ZAWAR@ICAI.ORG 96. MEHUL YOGESH THAKKAR CA
MOS: EXCEL EXPERTMUMBAI 9167623566 CAmehulthakkar@gmail.com 97. Murali Murthy Multi-Channel Copywriter Dubai 0014169371235 murali@aceworldfoundation.com 98. CA A RAFEQ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Bangalore 9343002119 rafeq786@gmail.com 99. CA. VISHNU BHALCHANDRA GAVKARE Mumbai 9773407205 vishnugavkare@gmail.com 100. MEHTA HARESH NARENDRA NALLASOPARA WEST 9823137477 hareshnmehta@yahoo.com 101. SUSHMIT AJIT SNEHA RANADE B Com, FCA(ICAI), CISA(USA), CISM, Certificate course on Forensic Accounting & Fraud Prevention(ICAI) Mumbai 9967025685 sushmit87@gmail.com 102. DAMLE PANKAJ KESHAV IT, SAP, Accounting & Finance Melbourne 61406630969 pankajdamle@gmail.com 103. RAKESH KUMAR BANSAL Ludhiana 9417356046 rkbansal@gmail.com 104. SRINIVASAN K Microsoft Excel TIRUCHIRAPALLI 9381721405 srinivasan.k@msjnk.com 105. Mr. Thomas Abraham Information Technology & Leadership Skills NOIDA 9811211110 thomas.abraham@biz2credit.com 106. PRANAY SHANTILAL KOCHAR Mumbai 9819846198 pranay@kocharassociates.com 107. Shri Pradip Pardesi Information Technology Mumbai 02226844771 ppardesi@gmail.com 108. CA Pankaj Deshpande – Amravati 9422120406 capankajd@gmail.com 109. Mr. Joy Paul – 18+ years of solution sales & delivery experience across India and GCC
– Deep expertise in Banking & Financial Services, Retail, Telco and Government sectors
– Sales & Delivery Leadership across Analytics solutions (Descriptive, Predictive, PrescriptiAbu Dhabi 00971501662955 joy_paul@hotmail.com 110. Fiona Masina Sydney 0061294286000 fiona@mamag.com.au 111. Sumita Shah London 4402079208100 ia@icai.in 112. CA. Ganesh Iyer Mumbai 9820552066 ganesh.iyer@kotak.com 113. GAURAV BAJPAI INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TRAININGS Zirakpur 9560885111 gb@gearbob.com 114. MILIND SANATKUMAR KAPADIA MICROSOFT EXCEL SKILLS FOR FINANCIAL ANALYSIS AND PRESENTATION DAR ES SALAAM 255767543955 kapadia.milind@gmail.com 115. Shri Vittal Raj R Chennai 9444021778 rvittalraj@gmail.com 116. Ms. Ashalatha Govind Mumbai 9867568310 gm.ciso@sbi.co.in 117. Ms. Mridul Sharma Mumbai 9819803009 bankmridul.sharma@indusind.com 118. Shri Dinesh Bareja Mumbai 9769890505 dinesh@opensecurityalliance.org 119. Shri A. K. Viswanathan Mumbai 9920132213 akviswanathan@deloitte.com 120. Shri K. K. Mookhey Mumbai 9819812001 kkmookhey@niiconsulting.com 121. Shri Balaji Venketeshwar Mumbai 2266691000 balaji.venketeshwar@in.pwc.com 122. CA. Piran Doctor Mumbai 9892224005 piran.doctor@gmail.com 123. Shri Sameer Ratolikar Mumbai 9820303045 bankSameer.Ratolikar@hdfcbank.com 124. CA VISHAL LODHA INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY BANGLORE 9008002400 CA.LODHAVISHAL@GMAIL.COM 125. Shri Tapasvi Mehta information technolgoy ahmedabad 9879057429 research@bhakti.tv 126. KALAISELVI P RISK ADVISORY SERVICES Chennai 9841520530 nkalaiselvi@deloitte.com 127. NARAYANAN B RISK ADVISORY SERVICES Chennai 9176847444 narayananb@deloitte.com 128. ARJUN PRATHAP RISK ADVISORY SERVICES – INTERNAL AUDIT, SARBANES OXLEY COMPLIANCE Chennai 9840152490 aprathap@deloitee.com 129. MS.P.ARATHI RISK ADVISORY ,CONTROLS ASSURANCE CHENNAI 9841715124 parathi@deloitte.com 130. Mr. Pradeep Kumar MB MBA, CISA
Security Architecting, IT Security auditMuscat 96896252658 pkumar@itinfrasec.com 131. UNNAM KRISHNA MOHAN Navi Mumbai 9930939977 krishna.unnam@apiruh.com 132. MR MITTAL SHARMA Tally Gurgaon 9211721925 MITTAL@NANDINIINFOSYS.COM 133. MR SAURABH SRIVASTAVA Tally Gurgaon 9599020531 SAURABH.SRIVASTAVA@TALLYSOLUTION.COM 134. CA. Vishal Pawade Mumbai 9773183454 vishal024@gmail.com 135. Adv. Prashant Mali Mumbai 9821763157 prashant.mali@cyberlawconsulting.com 136. Varun Nair Data Storage & security and Digital Signature Mumbai 8879357721 varun13hunky@gmail.com 137. Bhupesh Khanna Advanced MS Office & Advanced MS Excel Sonepat 9873441103 cabhupeshkhanna@gmail.com 138. PRAMESH AGARWAL DIBRUGARH 9401104699 caprameshagarwal@gmail.com 139. Shri Shashikant Gupta Computer Hardware and Various Application Softwares Bilaspur 9425535536 its_bsp@rediffmail.com 140. Ms. Vidhi Gupta Excel Delhi 09871312342 vidhigupta@icai.in 141. Gary Hibberd Gary is a published author, experienced and qualified in Information Security and Business Continuity. He is a passionate speaker on cyber security and related disciplines. UK 447447911742 ghibberd@theagenci.com 142. MRS. MALA BHATT SAP, ERP Solutions DAR ES SALAAM 254732920687 ewm@bluekey.co.ke 143. NAVNEET JAIN Information Technology Dhanbad 9470596452 jain.navneet005@gmail.com 144. GUPTA MAHESH CHAND SAP KOLKATA 9831046652 mc_gupta90@hotmail.com 145. RAJ SECKHAR M S Information Technology Coimbatore 9842277573 seksheel@eth.net 146. Shri Shailesh Jaria Mumbai 9833283030 jariacapitals@gmail.com 147. Shri Vinith Jain Mumbai 9833283030 jariacapitals@gmail.com 148. Justice Dr. Anitha Sumanth Tax Lawyer chennai 9840021277 anita_sumanth@vsnl.com 149. Mauli Shah Application Security, Source Code Review, Penetration Testing, Vulnerability, Assessments, Digital Forensics, Authentication & Access Control, Enterprise Security Architecture, Information Security Management, Network and System Security, Database Securit Mumbai 9987052825 mauli@makeits.com 150. YOGESH PANDIT Information Security and Cyber laws. Bhopal 09039755414 info@techilaw.com 151. BASU GAUTAM KUMAR ERP Kolkata 9836481798 gautam.basu@ckaca.net 152. Edward Silva Higher Tertiary Education Port Moresby 6753212105 margaret@cpapng.org.pg 153. NIDHI RINAV KHAKHAR Bhayander 9769951354 nidhimistry21@gmail.com 154. Priya Savla IT Skills Mumbai 8080908917 priya.savla@gmail.com 155. Mr. N D Kundu Information System Audit Mumbai 9820041550 ndkundu@rediffmail.com 156. CA Abhishek Gang IT Indore 9826018475 gangabhishek@hotmail.com 157. Mr. Devendra Acharya Tally Indore 9826661122 devshreem@gmail.com 158. Mr. E Narsimhan Information System Audit Bangalore 9886744517 ca.narasi23@gmail.com 159. Praveen sharma – Pali 9958293683 praveen.sharma@tallysolutions.com 160. Mr. Farhan Syed Mr. Farhan is a Partner with KPMG Lower Gulf and leads the Digital Transformation
Mr. Farhan is a thought leader in Digital Transformation and has written multiple
industry perspectives and has been a keynote speaker at a number of events.
MManama 0097317224807 ramachandran@kpmg.com 161. Gautam Basu Big Data Kolkata 9830530049 caskroy@gmail.com 162. Sanjib Basu Information Technology Kolkata 9836487328 caskroy@gmail.com 163. MR. AVEEK GUPTA KOLKATA 9830530045 aveek.gupta@gmail.com 164. JAJODIA ALOK KUMAR RAMAWTAR Mumbai 9821163916 akj@mondialconsultants.com 165. Mr. Varun Sharma tally release 5 and how GST Ludhiana 9988416300 varun.sharma@doricmultimedia.com 166. Tarik Bouarfa Digitalisation Dubai 9999999 sandips@microsoft.com 167. CA. Raghu veeraraghavan RISK ADVISORY SERVICES, INTERNAL AUDIT CHENNAI 9841075712 rveeraraghavan@deloitte.com 168. MR.NARESH RAMALINGAM CYPER SECURITY (IDENTITY & ACCESS MANAGEMENT) CHENNAI 9962167740 rveeraraghavan@deloitte.com 169. Adv. Manan Thakkar Information technology AHMEDABAD 9227404040 cyberlawadvocate@gmail.com 170. Raja Selvaraj, MCA, CISA Project Management, ERP Reviews, IT Security CHENNAI 9840791239 rselvaraj@deloitte.com 171. SAGAR MAHESHKUMAR CHANPURA Sidhpur 9408922323 sagarchanpura@gmail.com 172. VINOD NARENDRAKUMAR PAHILWANI Information Technology Vadodara 9898078176 vinpahilwani@gmail.com 173. Gautam Basu Big data Kolkata 9830530049 skroy@gmail.com 174. Nirmalya Ghoshal Information technology and networking Kolkata 9831054200 caskroy@gmail.com 175. Sandeep Ganguly Information Technology Kolkata 9163305050 skroy@gmail.com 176. Mr. Jigar Mehta Information Technology Surat +917802013997 jigarmehta2308@gmail.com 177. Abir Atharthy Information Technology Kolkata 9831004140 skroy@gmail.com 178. Ramesh Vijaya Kumar Information Technology Kolkata 9884038520 caskroy@gmail.com 179. GUPTA VIKAS KARNAL 9996303555 cavikas_gupta@rediffmail.com 180. Mr. Pramod Tailor Tally Software Mumbai 9223300465 tallypas@gmail.com 181. DHVANIKA SHAH MICROSOFT EXCEL , MICROSOFT ACCESS, SQL, VB.NET Surat 9428882631 dhvanika12@yahoo.com 182. ANKUR JARIWALA BSC(PHYSICS) ,MCA (WEB APPLICATION), AFCEH SURAT 9328633150 ank.engi86@gmail.com 183. CA. Navin Khandelwa Information System Audit Indore 9893033618 navink25@yahoo.com 184. VINEET ROONGTA cyber security KANPUR 9889908888 kbm.vineet@gmail.com 185. CA Payal Agarwal IT as a career – Data Analytics Thane 9819443540 agarwalca@deloitte.com 186. SUPRABHAT M. MUMBAI 9373124555 nagpur@icai.org 187. CA. JITENDRA KUMAR MUMBAI 9373124555 nagpur@icai.org 188. CA Manish Jain Ranchi 9431192276 manishkrjain@yahoo.com 189. RAJEEV SHARMA Use of technology for practice CRM & documents management Mumbai 9820014935 rajeev@rnrcca.com 190. NUPUR MEHTA IT Skills Kota 9024145123 mehtanupur1989@gmail.com 191. Sachin Goel CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER Noida 9811602256 sachingoel@hcl.com 192. VIBHA JINDAL IT Skills Kota 9479964238 caprameshgupta@gmail.com 193. PRIYANKA JAIN IT Skills Kota 9694025253 caprameshgupta@gmail.com 194. VISHNU GARG Forensic Audit Kota 9887053201 vishnu93201@gmail.com 195. NEELIMA GUPTA IT Skills Kota 9462186692 caguptaneelima@gmail.com 196. SANJAY VISANJI CHHEDA IT Skills Mumbai 9892815367 chhedasanjay@gmail.com 197. Swati Agrawal Ujjain 9907640074 swati.agrawal241@gmail.com 198. Mr. Nishant Kumar PATNA 9334065030 inishkrkr@gmail.com 199. JINAL ARPIT PATEL ACCOUNTING, AUDITING, DIRECT TAXES, INDIRECT TAXES, IFRS, IND AS ahmedabad 9824249633 JINAL.PATEL@KPCINDIA.COM 200. CA. Anand Shenoy Mumbai 9821076616 anandshenoy1@gmail.com 201. SANDEEP AGRAWAL IT, FINANCE, SM, FORENSIC ACCOUNTING VALUATION gwalior 9713781002 SOM_27@REDIFFMAIL.COM 202. MITESH VINOD KATIRA Roha 9833777556 mitesh@apdoshi.com 203. Ms. Kavita Navlani Indore 09039566306 kavitanavlani@gmail.com 204. CHANDRASEKHAR R Personal Data Protection Bill – Implication for Industry and Members Chennai 9820298197 sekhar@yanddr.in 205. VIVEK JAIN Agra 8899168866 ca.vivek87@gmail.com 206. Shri Rahul Chourasia IT Bhopal 9977155599 rahulchourasia4@gmail.com 207. NANDAN NARULA Audit & IT Bhopal 9893354800 ca.narulanandan@gmail.com 208. CA. Ritesh Parakh – Udaipur 9928015005 ritesh@icai.org 209. CA Sunil Badala – Udaipur 9928371417 casunilbadala@gmail.com 210. CA. Vaibhav Talesara – Udaipur 9352689784 vaibhavtalesara@gmail.com 211. R.Sakthivel Chennai 9663377082 sakthiindian@gmail.com 212. CA. Babu Jayendran IT Bangalore 9844020456 babujay@gmail.com 213. NARASIMHAN Elangovan IT Bangalore 9886744517 narasimhane@gmail.com 214. KINJAL MAULIK JHAVERI EXCEL TOOLS – PIVOT TABLE MUMBAI 9820975481 kinjalp@yahoo.com 215. ABDUR RAHMAN MUSBA Advance Excel Mangalore 9980251225 armusba@yahoo.com 216. MOGALAPALLI P GURUMURTHY IT SKILLS VISAKHAPATNAM 9885028811 guru@icai.org 217. PRADEEP BANSAL Information Technology Bhilwara 9928788388 pradeepbansalca@gmail.com 218. SARUCHI SONI IT, EXCEL JALANDHAR 9646556622 SARUCHISHARMA02@GMAIL.COM 219. Mrs. Rajani Udupa Information Technology Mangalore 9008645246 rajaniudupa13@gmail.com 220. PARMAR GAJANAN Part of ERP implementation team Mumbai 9869242593 GPARMAR@HPCL.IN 221. Pramod Kudtarkar NAVI MUMBAI 8828137268 Pramod.Kudtarkar@tallysolutions.com 222. SAHASRABUDHE JAIDEEP SADANAND Important commands in tally for accounts finalisation & Audit THANE 9821141534 jaideep@cajss.com 223. Mr. Mihir Modi & Ms. Neha Pansari Data Analytics Mumbai 9819484458 neha.pansari@yahoo.co.in 224. MS PRIYA DEDHIA INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MUMBAI 999645179721 priya@skynetsecure.com 225. MS PRIYA DEDHIA INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MUMBAI 8080908917 priya@skynetsecure.com 226. RAHUL RUNGTA KOLKATA 9331039862 rahulrungta@gmail.com 227. K Kanagaraj Antony samy Forensic & Frauds Chennai 01203045992 isa1@icai.in 228. CA ANKIT JALAN IT AND ACCOUNTING GUWAHATI 9864478787 ankitjallan@gmail.com 229. RUSHABH GOPALBHAI GALA CA Mumbai 9967575357 rushabh@hdfc.com 230. GAUTHAM PAI DONGERKERY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANGALORE 9845733070 gauthampai@gmail.com 231. DILIP KUMAR P Forensic and Information Technology Audit BANGALORE 9341218974 Dilip@pdka.in 232. BHINANG VIRJIBHAI TEJANI INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SURAT 09898054244 bhinang.tejani@gmail.com 233. Mr. Mohibur Rehman – Jodhpur 9414612777 mohibur.rehman@outlook.com 234. ASHOK KUMAR GARG IDEA TOOL DELHI 8510021080 ASHOKGARG26@GMAIL.COM 235. GARG ASHOK KUMAR IDEA TOOL DELHI 8510021080 ASHOKGARG26@gmail.com 236. AMAR DOSHI Vadodara 9374963993 amar@mnad-ca.in 237. MATHEW THOMAS IT CHENNAI 8148066002 mat@icai.org 238. MR. RAJIV JARI PATIALA 9855578925 jarirajiv@gmail.com 239. Mr. Virandra Sharda INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AHMEDABAD 9099964549 VIRANDRA@vsdtechno.com 240. ANAND MUKESH TRIVEDI INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ahmedabad 9924008925 trivedianand987@gmail.com 241. DHEERAJ SHARMA ADVANCE EXCEL TECHNIQUES REWARI 9813569877 sharmaca851@gmail.com 242. Avinash Gokhale Information Technology services Mumbai 9819375598 aveego@gmail.com 243. Ajith Prasad Anand INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PALAKKAD 9544932995 ajith.anand@lxisoft.com 244. Shilpa Joshi Mumbai 9870990266 shilpajoshi2010@yahoo.com 245. NPCI Representative Mumbai 9870990266 shilpajoshi2010@yahoo.com 246. Aditya Gattani – Nagpur 9403255833 adityagattani@yahoo.in 247. ANJALI NIRAV CHOKSI Analyze-Data using Sorting & Filtering, Effective use of Pivot Table and Slicers AHMEDABAD 9825773179 choksianjali.81@gmail.com 248. ANJALI NIRAV CHOKSI Analyze-Data using Sorting & Filtering, Effective use of Pivot Table and Slicers AHMEDABAD 9825773179 choksianjali.81@gmail.com 249. ANJALI NIRAV CHOKSI Analyze-Data using Sorting & Filtering, Effective use of Pivot Table and Slicers AHMEDABAD 9825773179 choksianjali.81@gmail.com 250. SEEMA KUMARI BASIC COMPUTER , WORD, EXCEL, POWER POINT, ACCESS DHANBAD 9572998408 sinkisweat@gmail.com 251. seema kumari dhanbad 9572998408 sinkisweat@gmail.com 252. Manmeet Singh Mehta CAAT Tools Saharanpur 9412232788 mehta.ca@gmail.com 253. RUPESH KUMAR SINGH,HEAD SAP CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE IT SKILLS Kolkata 8826313222 rupesh.singh@in.ey.com 254. RAVINDRA BANTHIA,DIRECTOR IT SKILL KOLKATA 9830016371 ravibanthia@gmail.com 255. SANDEEP BAJAJ IT SKILL KOLKATA 9830355424 sandeep@711academy.com 256. NIKESH GIRISHKUMAR SHETH Online Data Drive, Apps, Password Management & Synchronization MUMBAI 9224335262 CANIKESHSHET@GMAIL.COM 257. Sudarshan Roongta Zurich 9710521042799 shobha.singh@oracle.com 258. CA. Rasesh Thakore Mumbai 9833709053 rasesh.thakore@in.ey.com 259. REETESH AGARWAL CAAT BAREILLY 9412291961 careetesh@gmail.com 260. DHANANJAY KEDAR GOKHALE MS-Excel (Macros & Add-ins) Developmet& Implementation of Excel/Web-based MIS solutions
(Management Information System) for Industries
Nagpur 9028463366 dhananjay1405@gmail.com 261. Narayanan Krishnan Narayanan Krishnan is an innovator in the cyber security domain, with 9 patents and 2 Service Marks to his name. Over the past 20 years in the industry , his achievements include launching a market – disruptive solution for the Heathcare Life Insurance in Melbourne 0061408007714 srini.vasan3127@gmail.com 262. Iliana Oris Valiente Bio: Iliana Oris Valiente (CPA, CA, CBP – certified bitcoin professional) is widely credited for being a trailblazer in the blockchain space, having been among the first to recognize the tremendous impact of this “traditionally hacker” technology on the e Toronto 4166298540 info@icaitoronto.com 263. AJAY RAMESH DAVE Mumbai 9869252060 ca.ajayrdave@gmail.com 264. ANKIT MANTRI INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EXPERT BHILWARA 8123099927 support@careerpopup.com 265. Ashish Birla MARKETING EXPERT BHILWARA 9828510111 ashishbirla2810@gmail.com 266. Lavish Laddha TALLY ERP BHILWARA 9799951544 lavishladdha@gmail.com 267. Peter Williams Digital Melbourne 0417527193 chairman@melbourneicai.org 268. Mr. Sanjeev Sharma Excel and Database and Tally and soft skills Ambala City 9813720029 sanjeevsharma538@gmail.com 269. ADARSH ASHOK MADRECHA mumbai 9987166585 adarsh@madrecha.com 270. Sundareshwar Krishnamurthy Information Security Mumbai 9930105282 sundareshwar.krishnamurthy@in.pwc.com 271. Bhushan Khular Tally Ujjain 9424085159 bhushankhular@yahoo.co.in 272. LAKSHMI P B Information Technology Coimbatore 9787142383 pblandcocas@gmail.com 273. Steve McCaughey Steve leads Deloitte’s Finance & performance management practice. A CMA and CFA with more than 20 years of experience delivering finance transformation projects, he works with many of Canada’s biggest organizations on large-scale Finance transformation in Toronto 4168743266 smccaughey@deloitte.ca 274. Barry Pokroy Barry provides solutions to affect leadership challenges, service excellence, sales growth, profitability, productivity, dispute resolution and more. Toronto 4164963079 bpokroy@farberfinancial.com 275. Danny Timmins Danny Timmins, CISSP, is MNP’s National Cyber Security Leader and a member of the firm’s Enterprise Risk Services team. Drawing on more than 20 years of experience, Danny is responsible for leading and mentoring an experienced, highly skilled cyber securi Mississauga 9056079777 danny.timmins@mnp.ca 276. Shri Sarit Bose Mumbai 9836952211 sarit.bose@protivitiglobal.in 277. Shri Suprabhat N M Mumbai 9820180564 suprabhat.nm@protivitiglobal.in 278. CA. Deepjee Singhal Mumbai 9821049346 deepjee.singhal@samaaudit.com 279. Sandeep Goel Sandeep comes with close to 20 years of experience in Software Development, consulting and delivery. Sandeep was CEO of Acuvate software before joining Invaststems. He is based in India and handles Service Delivery and operations at Inva. Sandeep holds a PUNE 9849901777 sandeep.goel@invasystems.com 280. Gopi Thangavel Information technology hyderabad 9100016681 gopithangavel@drreddys.com 281. RITESH SHAH TALLY
GSTVADODARA 9825642522 payalcomputeracademy@gmail.com 282. Prajakt Samant Mumbai 9833040700 prajakt.samant@nomura.com 283. Vineet Arora information security, business continuity, identity and access management, IT auditing, privacy reviews, SOX compliance and IT process reengineering Brisbane 0424740382 vineet.arora@au.ey.com 284. CA K VIJAYA SRINIVAS Configuration of Tally – IT Returns & GST Returns
BankingHyderabad 9705060606 info@cavijay.org 285. AMIT SUBHASH SHARMA Advance Excel Nashik 9890656143 caamitssharma@gmail.com 286. VISHNUPRASAD SARDA IT LATUR 9890673072 SARDAVISHNU@GMAIL.COM 287. SANKARANARAYANAN E S Tally Kolkata 9903995722 siddhartha.haldar@tallysolutions.com 288. Siddhartha Haldar IT Kolkata 9903995722 siddhartha.haldar@tallysolutions.com 289. MR.ANILKUMAR M ERNAKULAM 09387214270 anil@aroundtally.com 290. Mr. Nishant S ERNAKULAM 09995865350 nishanth.k@tallysolutions.com 291. Anilkumar M ERNAKULAM 09387214270 anil@aroundtally.com 292. Nishant S ERNAKULAM 9995865350 nishanth.k@tallysolutions.com 293. SHRUTI JAYESH SHAH Mumbai 9892407988 shrutishah_ca@yahoo.co.in 294. Mrs. Bhavika Jawaharani IT Mumbai 9850993330 bhavika.jawaharani@gmail.com 295. AZEEM KHAN TALLY SOFTWARE MULUND 7045664315 azeem@tally.net.in 296. Lalith Rajpal Management Information System
Business IntelligenceChennai 9810148331 lalit.rajpal@barclayscorp.com 297. Lalit Rajpal Lalit Rajpal is a techno-functional leader with 19+ yrs experience in BFSI with proven expertise in areas of Digitization, Reporting & Analytics, Business Operations, Technology Strategic initiatives including BI set up and Data Governance Chennai 9810148331 lr.lalitrajpal@gmail.com 298. Ajay Pande Computer fundamental & Operating Systems AURANGABAD 9405968160 ajay.a.pande@gmail.com 299. RUPESH TEJPAL GANDHI Data Format Convert & In Cell Charts AURANGABAD 9022674171 carupesh13@gmail.com 300. TIBREWAL SANTOSH KUMAR IT-SKILLS
DIRECT TAXATIONRAIGARH 9425250048 casktibrewal@gmail.com 301. MANISH AGRAWAL Tally Accounting Auditing Data-Porting Reporting
GST & other Allied Laws
Income Tax
Compliances & Assurance
Bank AuditsRAIGARH 8319839021 camanishagrawal@hotmail.com 302. KALPIT SHAH Young Chartered Accountant with lot of expertise in IT skills.
Sound exposure of ORACLE – Finance, Manpower cost analysis, Budget analysis and Capex management
Instrumental in analysing business processes for functional areas such as finance, manufacturValsad 7405288146 ca.kalpitshah@gmail.com 303. MS.SWAPNA ROY TALLY SOLUTIONS KOLKATA 9903995557 swapna.roy@tallysolutions.com 304. KARAN KABRA Functional Areas: Predictive Modelling, Optimization, ERP, MIS, Dashboards
Tools: MS Excel, VBA, MS PowerPoint, MS SQL ServerPune 9833344966 karan.kabra@sciffer.com 305. SUDHAKARAN K V Kottayam 9446197725 warrier1234@gmail.com 306. VIJAY RAJESH IT Mumbai 0000000000 vijay.rajesh@icicibank.com 307. Parag Patil IT and Network Security Specialist, Designing, Commissioning and Maintaining WANs Dar es Salaam 255787030066 pragneshvu@hotmail.com 308. Franklin Tally Bhopal 9940649029 attinitybpl@gmail.com 309. SURENDRA SHARMA TOKYO 818021359022 surendra.sharma@avantcorp.com 310. Raghavendran R Information Technology
Insolvency / BankruptcyCoimbatore 9363105841 ragavca@hotmail.com 311. HEMLATA RAMESHLAL DEWNANI Workshop Training on Excel – Making of Excel Champ – 1 AHMEDABAD 9376857131 hemlatadewnani@gmail.com 312. Mrs. Payal Trivedi Learn Advanced Excel functions : Must to Know in Day to day operations AHMEDABAD 9727756644 payalbhatt@rediffmail.com 313. Mohammed Iftekhar Sales Development Manager – Oracle
Business Development
StartegyRiyadh 00966501306809 mohammed.iftekhar@oracle.com 314. SANJAY VISANJI CHHEDA mumbai 9892815367 chhedasanjay@gmail.com 315. Senthil Kumar Mr. Senthil Kumar is a Regional Managing Director and Head of Technology Consulting Services.
He is a Management Graduate, and certified in CISA, CISM and
In his career spanning over 29 years, Senthil has provided consulting services in variousSafat 0096599382422 senthil.kumar@protivitiglobal.me 316. Mr. N. A. Shaikh Learn Advanced Excel functions : Must to Know in Day to day operations AHMEDABAD 9824068815 shehzad.best@gmail.com 317. Nipun Shah Excel Bhayander East 9223905875 sainipun@gmail.com 318. MANALI AGRAWAL Mumbai 8879758055 manali@icici.com 319. MR. KEYUR TRIVEDI Practical Workshop on GST Compliance with Tally
GST Entries and Return compliances from TallyAHMEDABAD 8866630093 krockstar055@gmail.com 320. Ashwin Chalapathi Technology in a Changing Landscape Bangalore 00918066598700 ashwin.chalapathy@subex.com 321. MS.NIDHI SHAH Learn Advanced Excel MACRO : Must to Know in Day to day operations AHMEDABAD 9724830705 nidhishah961@gmail.com 322. Mr. Bhavin Goklani Learn Advanced Excel functions : Must to Know in Day to day operations BANASKATHA 7802041000 bhavingoklani@gmail.com 323. Mr Sivaramankrishnan Iswaran Vallanchery 7550069104 narayanan.kp@zohocorp.com 324. Mr Mustafa Shiyaji Mumbai 7506937040 madhurir@nsdl.co.in 325. Mr Rajendra Bhalerao Mumbai 2240508500 rajendra.bhalerao@npci.org.in 326. Shri Ashish Sharma Mumbai 2262451040 ashrama@deloitte.com 327. DHARMENDRA RAJENDRA LUNAWAT IT Thane 9699544666 drlunawat@gmail.com 328. Ms. Shalu Kashyap Advance Excel , Tally ERP 9 ,Database Ms Access & CAAT using IDEA software Ludhiana 8054747737 kshalu577@gmail.com 329. ANAND RAJENDRA PAURANA IT SKILLS MUMBAI 9892100828 anand@asapadvisors.co.in 330. MURTAZA QURESH NAFISA GHADIALI Mumbai 9967128452 murtaza@ghadialigroup.com 331. NITIN RAMANLAL SARDA Ms. Excel Nashik 9823096131 canitinsarda@gmail.com 332. Mr. Rohit Kumar Srivastava Rohit Srivatava has more than 15 years of experience in the area of Information Security, Consulting, Policies and Procedures Development, Enterprise Risk Management and Information Security Management System. He is a ISO 27001 Certified Professional, P Manama 0097334669581 rohit.srivastava@bdo.bh 333. Mr. Shreejith Bhaskaran Sreejith Bhaskaran has more than 17 years of experience in the area of Organization Design, Policies and Procedures Development, Enterprise Risk Management, IT Strategy, Project Management, Systems Selection & Implementation, ERP & CRM Implementation, En Manama 0097339602708 sreejith.bhaskaran@bdo.bh 334. Kunal Pande B.Tech (Electronics and Communications) Mumbai 9892600676 kpande@kpmg.com 335. VIVEK AGARWAL SILIGURI 9681706868 vagarwal08@gmail.com 336. VIVEK AGARWAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY KOLKATA 9681706868 vagarwal08@gmail.com 337. ANKIT JALLAN MASTER IN EXCEL TOOLS GUWAHATI 7002056144 ankitjallan@gmail.com 338. DEEPIKA AGARWAL MASTER IN EXCEL AUDIT GUWAHATI 9864362884 deepikaca12@gmail.com 339. CA Kantilal Badale MS Excell, Tally, ERP etc. Jalgaon 9822250393 kkbadale@gmail.com 340. AJIT PATIL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY BELAGAVI 9379499565 ajit.patil@credenceis.com 341. prashant ganti CHENNAI 7550069104 narayanan.kp@zohocorp.com 342. GAURAV KHANNA FORENSIC AUDIT KANPUR 9696805333 GAURAV2508@GMAIL.COM 343. Ganesh Shastry Mumbai 9820130239 ganesh.capstrat@gmail.com 344. Rahul Lalit Cyber Security noida 9811806905 rahul.lalit@in.pwc.com 345. SEEMA KASLIWAL TALLY AND IT EXPERT. KISHANGARH 7014888211 SSTRADERSRAJ@GMAIL.COM 346. Sanjeev Agrawal Budgeting and Planning through ERP Mumbai 9833648693 Akansh.jain@jubl.com 347. Pavan Bllamkonda Budgeting and Planning through ERP Mumbai 9833648693 akansh.jain@jubl.com 348. Mr. Saurabh Parikh IT Indore 09826089722 saurabh_parikh@rediffmail.com 349. PRADEEP DATTATRAYA KAKATKAR ADVANCED EXCEL FOR AUDITORS PUNE 9881408722 pdkakatkar@gmail.com 350. MR. SHIV CHHABRA INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY sri ganganagar 9414531577 shivchhabra85@gmail.com 351. MANISH AGRAWAL it- skills, direct tax, indirect tax, Bank Audit RAIGARH 8319839021 camanishagrawal@hotmail.com 352. ASHOK KUMAR S TIRUCHIRAPALLI 9865875770 ca.s.ashokkumar@gmail.com 353. VINAY KHARGONKAR Information Technology Initiatives Mumbai 7506937275 Vinay.Khargonkar@Larsentoubro.com 354. STARLY DAVID I T SKILLS ERNAKULAM 9995246076 starlydavid@gmail.com 355. JATIN GUPTA IT Skills KOTA 9887782717 jatin26gupta@gmail.com 356. KUSHAL SONI KOTA 9462730437 cakushal@yahoo.com 357. RISHABH MITTAL KOTA 9462833777 rmassociateskota@gmail.com 358. PRADEEP S S IT-SKILLS, MS-OFFICE,CAAT,WEB TECHNOLOGY MYSORE 9743807971 pradeepss.mtech@gmail.com 359. SANKET SHYAM KABRA EXCEL AND IT SKILLS NANDED 9423693624 casanketkabra@gmail.com 360. Kiran Kumar Digital Solutions Safat 00971555738882 kiran.kumar@protivitiglobal.me 361. Shri Narayanan K.P Kancheepuram 7550069104 narayanan.kp@zohocorp.com 362. PAWAN KUMAR ERP Delhi 9818605493 pawangarg2@gmail.com 363. HIMANSHU ANILKUMAR SHAH Information Technogogy Vadodara 9428881136 himanshhhu_shah@yahoo.com 364. ANAND RAMESHCHANDRA MUTHA Information Techonology Nashik 8275019423 anandmutha@armutha.in 365. Suvendu Chunder KOLKATA 03368888901 chunderkhator@ckaca.net 366. Shri Rajesh Zaveri Mumbai 9324318692 rajesh.zaveri@in.bureauveritas.com 367. Siddartha Halder Kolkata 9903995722 siddhartha.halder@tallysolutions.com 368. Shailesh Bengaluru 9972172259 Priyamvada.emani@infosys.com 369. Malvik Majithia Blockchain Technology Mumbai 09833768639 malvikm@gmail.com 370. Avinash Hode Tally ERP Pune 9860124989 avinashhode@gmail.com 371. Arjun Prabhu Madurai 9944334472 aptallysolutions@gmail.com 372. C R V Ganesh Information Security, IT Governance, Business Continuity, and Information Technology related Review / Risk Management Doha 8825657930 crvgan@hotmail.com 373. PATHAK NITIN MAHESHKUMAR Excel Ahmedabad 9825804094 nitinpathak@gmail.com 374. Mr. Smit Shah Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security Ahmedabad 9033443715 smit@esecurify.com 375. KETAN NIRANJANBHAI MALDE Excel Jamnagar 7405483773 caketanmalde@gmail.com 376. ANAND PRAKASH JANGID BENGALURU 9620233516 anandjangid@gmail.com 377. Jayant Vajpayee ISO 27001 KOLKATA 9830008080 jayantvajpayee@gmail.com 378. Naga Mohan Banking Kolkata 9831004140 caskroy@gmail.com 379. chakshu kakkar finacle delhi 9717004745 chakshu_kakkar@gmail.com 380. PRITESH ANILKUMAR MEHTA Excel Jamnagar 9998721036 Pritesh4account@gmail.com 381. Mr. J N Jagannath xyz 01130110444 xyz@gmail.com 382. Amarpreet Singh Amarpreet Singh is one of the leading advocates and contributing member of Global Blockchain community, Senior Advisor of Global Blockchain Foundation, ICOBench rated top ‘Expert’ and is Advisory Board Member of many Blockchain projects around the world. Singapore 6583516101 amar.tech12@gmail.com 383. PACKIARAJ S D MADURAI 9442200449 sdpackiaraj@yahoo.co.in 384. Saurav Dey A CMA member with vast experience in SAP-ERP, Micro Soft Office (Excel, PPT etc), E&P accounting is currently posted as Manager-F&A in OIL India Limited. Duliajan 9678003735 saurav_dey@oilindia.in 385. MOON GOYAL Delhi 9999901293 moongoel@gmail.com 386. PRANJAL BANSAL Delhi 9582537757 pbansal@namllp.com 387. Arjun Kumar Delhi 9811840707 mukesh@mukeshraj.com 388. Ramnarayan Varma Founding member & Director – Customer Success
Exponential Digital Solutions Pvt. Ltd.Prior to the entrepreneurial bug hitting him, he worked as the Business Relations Leader for the Innovation Hub at EY – where he acted as an evangelist in propagating thManama 0097339472466 ramnarayan@10xds.com 389. Anand Laxman Founding member & Director – Strategy & Consulting
Exponential Digital Solutions Pvt. Ltd. A Chartered Accountant by profession backed with certifications and
trainings in SAP, Oracle, Hyperion yet a staunch believer in
opportunities arising out of digManama 0097332069393 Anand.laxman@10xds.com 390. KAPIL SURI IT INDORE 9329778887 surikapil@yahoo.com 391. Eric Rae Vancouver Cyber Security Services Group Burnaby 6045273600 ericrae@gmail.com 392. NIRAVKUMAR DAMJIBHAI KANKRECHA AHMEDABAD AHMEDABAD 8141119844 nirav@gbcca.in 393. CA ADARSH MADRECHA MUMBAI 9987166585 adarsh@madrecha.com 394. ADARSH ASHOK MADRECHA IT MUMBAI 9987166585 adarsh@madrecha.com 395. SACHIN KHADABADI INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY BELGAUM 9738467306 sachinkhadabadi@yahoo.in 396. Shri S Ramadorai Information Technology, Ex CMD of TCS, Chairman of Air Asia INdia Mumbai 99999999 chairman@icaidubai.org 397. Subash Shanmugam Block Chain and Crypto Currency Doha 97455578173 skrupalakshmi@gmail.com 398. Srivas A SAP Process Consulting
Web Portal Implementation Services
Web Development Services
Web Upgrade ServicesChennai 9789860627 srivas@firstfeet.in 399. UMAKANT PANDURANG KHADKE Pune 8600990043 ca.umakantkhadke@gmail.com 400. Sujit Joshi Certified Information System Auditor Kolhapur 0000000000 sujitjoshi@gmail.com 401. Sujit D Joshi CISA Kolhapur 9881191441 sujitdjoshi@gmail.com 402. Dr. Vidyalal HARNESSING THE MIGHT OF CLOUD with IoTs and AI (artificial intelligence) Kozhikode 9447022400 dr.lal.dallas@gmail.com 403. D Jagannathan Disaster Recovery and Data Base Management Salalah 96899483852 djagan2707@yahoo.com 404. Mr. Radheesh MS Office Excel Specialist ERNAKULAM 9446126707 radeshkutty@activeclass.in 405. Ms. Divya R. Krishna Microsoft Certified Trainer,
Microsoft Office,ERNAKULAM 9746355500 divyark@activeclass.in 406. Rajul Mehta Project Management and Blockchain Mumbai 9769235741 rajul.mehta@nomura.com 407. MR.SUDIPTO DEY udaipur 9958293688 sudipto.dey@tallysolutions.com 408. Mr. DEEPAK TIWARI UDAIPUR 8285533443 deepak.tiwari@tallysolutions.com 409. MR. SUDIPTO DEY UDAIPUR 9958293688 sudipto.dey@tallysolutions.com 410. GAURAV VYAS udaipur 9887879019 deepakkg2288@gmail.com 411. CA DEEPAK GOYAL udaipur 9887879019 deepakkg2288@gmail.com 412. CA KISHORE PAHUJA udaipur 9829047955 kishore@kkpahuja.com 413. CA NARESH MAHESHWARI udaipur 9414235521 nareshmaheshwari17@gmail.com 414. ABHAY VIJAY GADIYA Pune 8380010924 gadiyaabhay.ca@gmail.com 415. Asif Upadhye Employee payroll analysis Mumbai 9167621914 asif@willnevergrowup.com 416. Vaibhav Gupta Business process engineering using Microsoft Office 365 Mumbai 9833706111 vagup@microsoft.com 417. Naishadh Sutaria Working capital management Mumbai 9930058943 naishadh.sutaria@c2fo.com 418. Kevin Teo IT Audits and Risk Assessments Vancouver 16047218394 info@icaivancouver.com 419. Shri Ravi Eppaturi Mumbai 9867305477 ravi.eppaturi@lyncbiz.com 420. Shri Brijesh Datta Mumbai 7738374719 brijesh.datta@ril.com 421. Shri Kamal Raj Gurnani Mumbai 7498268397 kamal.gurnani@indusind.com 422. Shri Ravikiran Mankikar Mumbai 9820329854 ravi.mankkikar@gmail.com 423. D M Joshi Tally Pune 9860654563 dexteritytechsys@gmail.com 424. D M Joshi Tally Pune 9860654563 dexteritytechsys@gmail.com 425. Navneet Sharma Navneet Sharma, is Director – IT Advisory and leads the Cyber Security services for
Grant Thornton Bahrain. He has more than 18 years of experience in the domain,
having assisted and managed for various organizations in the GCC Region and Globally in buManama 0097335948802 navneet.sharma@bh.gt.com 426. ROHIT AGARWAL KHARAGPUR 8013377094 ragarwal.gpa@gmail.com 427. Lalit Popli IT SECURITY MUMBAI 9870091486 lalit.popli@icicipruamc.com 428. YASH MANOJ MATLANI Block Chain Management Thane 09769396221 Yash.matlani1495@gmail.com 429. ABHISHEK RUNGTA INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY KOLKATA 8697719660 talash@indusnet.co.in 430. MR. JAMES VAGHELA IT SECURITY IN CA’S OFFICE
DIGITAL FORENSICPetlad 9974905088 jamesvaghela@gmail.com 431. AJIT JAGANNATH PETKAR TALLY CUSTOMISATION WITH TDL PUNE 9822503570 ajitpetkar@gmail.com 432. JOSE CHACKO Forensic accounting, Fraud and related matters Muscat 0096899215691 jose.chacko@crowe.om 433. PRABAHARAN M Madurai 9940534627 prabaharmp@gmail.com 434. Amit Marwah – Head of Marketing and Communication, Nokia Solutions & Networks India P Ltd.
– Former Chief Technology Officer, Nokia Solutions & Networks India P Ltd.
– Qualification: Bachelor of Engineering (electronics and communication)GURGAON 8527396323 amit.marwah@nokia.com 435. ANIL SATYANARAYAN BHANDARI MUMBAI 9821037605 anil.bhandari@anbglobal.com 436. SATYAPRAKASH RAMSHANKAR JAISWAL Mumbai 9930535851 jsatyaprakash@gmail.com 437. MANOJ MOHANDAS SENIOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROFESSIONAL JAMNAGAR +918200991366 Manoj.Mohandas@ril.com 438. Preeti Dang Indraprastha Marg 9899031744 preetidang@professionalconnect.co.in 439. CA. Amit Gupta IT and Excel Delhi 9560267778 amitgupta@icai.in 440. YESHWANTH KUMAR K REINSURANCE, AUDIT, TRAINING, MS EXCEL, ORACLE SQL PROGRAMMING, TECHNO FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS, VBA KUALA LUMPUR 00601135145674 yesh@aromgrips.com 441. M.Manikandan Information Technology – Tally Madurai 9600007240 mani.m@yennes.com 442. Mohammad Khalooki ERP Solutions Kuwait 00971529101215 ganesh@indusnovateur.com 443. Vivek Mohindra https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6455309054335074304/. Hong Kong 85293819101 vivek.mohindra@gmail.com 444. Kiran Kumar IT Enterprise Architecture Abu Dhabi 0097455262250 scsandy@gmail.com 445. CA Vishal Gupta Kolkata Kolkata 9831640374 VISHALPREMRAJKA@GMAIL.COM 446. GANESH DATT SHARMA Information technology audits and public speaking Winnipeg 12047926484 sharmagds@yahoo.com 447. VIJAY DEEP SINGH Chartered Accountant Faridabad 9899295852 vijay.singh@lntmhps.com 448. KINNARI UDAY JAYWANTI GANDHI Mumbai 9820331433 kinnari.gandhi@usgandhigroup.com 449. Shri Hemant Nagrale Mumbai 2226670755 dir.fsl@maharashtra.gov.in 450. SRI KRISHNA DIKSHIT IT CYBER SECURITY Doha 0097470131446 ShrikrishnaDikshit@bdo.in 451. Mr. Sarthak Saxena, IRS, GSTN, New Delhi IRS, GSTN, New Delhi, Workflows for filing Annual Return, Reconciliation and Audit NEW DELHI 8745019060 sarthak.saxena@gstn.org.in 452. NISHANT KUMAR IT SKILL GURGAON 9560753535 NISHANT@JKNP.IN 453. ARVIND BENANI Arvind Benani is Chartered Accountant with more than 18 years of experience. He is Managing Director with Protiviti (Middle East Region) responsible for Internal Audit and Risk Advisory Services in Bahrain and KSA practice. He also leads VAT practice in G Manama 0097339474276 arvind.benani@protivitiglobal.me 454. Nagesh Suryanarayana Nagesh Suryanarayana is a Managing Director responsible for Internal Audit and Risk Advisory Services in Protiviti Member Firm, (global consulting firm) UAE practice. He also leads the Corporate Governance (Solution Subject Matter Expert) advisory service Dubai 0097339474276 Nirav.Gandhi@protivitiglobal.me 455. Dr. Jassim Haji Dr Jassim Haji has management and executive experience in Aviation, Hospitality, Technology and Telecommunications for over 30 years. He has served on the board of directors of a leading hospitality and tourism technology provider in the Middle East and o Manama 0097339477488 jasssimhaji@hotmail.com 456. Mr. Shrikrishna Dikshit Shrikrishna is a Director with the Business Advisory Services of BDO India with an expertise in Cybersecurity and IT Governance. He has more than 16 years of experience in analysis, design and implementation of policies and procedures for Information Syst Mumbai 00919820365305 shrikrishnadikshit@bdo.in 457. KAILASH SHARMA FARIDABAD 9716944333 casharmakailash@gmail.com 458. MANSI JAYENDRA BHATT Vadodara 9429952025 mansibhattassociates@gmail.com 459. Anil Moolani Automation paperless office mumbai 9823042712 mdsinewave@yahoo.co.in 460. ANIRUDDHA AVINASH GHUDE IT NAGPUR 7588500185 caaniruddhaghude@gmail.com 461. GIRISH IGYARAM RATHI Technology Sangli 9404289209 ultimatetally@rediffmail.com 462. Indumon Das MSc in Computer Applications Dubai 971526950068 priyanka.jaswani@beinex.com 463. CA MAYUR JAIN IT SKILLS MUMBAI 9769780978 mayurmunot@gmail.com 464. ALOK JAJODIA IT SKILLS MUMBAI 9821163916 alok.jajodia@gmail.com 465. MAITRI HEMRAJ BHAGWATI CHHEDA IT SKILLS MUMBAI 9821447119 maitricheda@gmail.com 466. UDAY SHAH IT SKILLS MUMBAI 9967547493 uday@kservices.in 467. Mr. Umesh Sethiya Tally Jalgaon 9422282482 info@santronix.com 468. ADITYA AMAR MATAMSETTI Vijayawada 9700156414 m.aditya.amar@gmail.com 469. VIJAY KUMAR M.s. Excel-Tool for Financial Analysis/Reporting/Management DELHI 9818396559 dheerajsharma.dsc@gmail.com 470. VIJAY KUMAR Ms. Excel tool for Financial Analysis/REPORTING/MANAGEMENT Delhi 9810315945 vijay.agarwal.12342@gmail.com 471. KALPESH PANKAJ LADDHA Informational Technology, DT, IDT Jalna 9421659686 cakpladdha@gmail.com 472. Mr Anil Chitre Mumbai 7021939918 amchitre63@gmail.com 473. PONEET GUPTA MUMBAI 9820046549 mail@poneetgupta.com 474. HARESH JANI MUMBAI 9820128436 haresh@hja.legal 475. DURGESH NANDKISHOR AGRAWAL Excel and Computer skills Jalna 9730000013 cadurgeshagrawal@gmail.com 476. Nishakar Panda IT Skills Delhi 9212694009 nishakar.p@tcs.com 477. Pravin Kumar IT Skills PATNA 9386917326 caitzone@outlook.com 478. LAKHAN GOPAL JAJU IT SKILLS vijaypir 9762805287 lakhan.jaju@hotmail.com 479. Santhosh Pai G. E Filing Kozhikode 9846016746 sanpaica@yahoo.co.in 480. Shanmukha C.G. Tally ERP 9 Bengaluru 9902016133 shanmukha.cg@tallysolutions.com 481. Sravan Wudayagiri Forensics – Forensic Technology(Digital Forensics) Gurugram 9884973624 Sravan.Wudayagiri@in.ey.com 482. LAKSHMINARAYAN RANGANATHAN Lakshminarayan Ranganathan (Srikant) is the head of IT Consulting Services at Keypoint. He has over 25 years of experience in advising clients in the optimum and secure use of IT for improving business to numerous institutions in the Middle East, North Af Manama 0097339691942 srikant.ranganathan@keypoint.com 483. ARORA MADAN GOPAL Information Technology and software related to profession West Patel Nagar 9810039237 mgarora43@hotmail.com 484. Akshay Nair Jodhpur 07737598968 akshay0171@gmail.com 485. DUNDI PHANI KRISHNA MATURU GST AND IT SKILLS VIJAYAWADA 8008800844 dundimaturu@gmail.com 486. Apurv Kansal Delhi 9811500506 kansalapurv@gmail.com 487. ARPAN HEMANTKUMAR DODIA Vadodara 9898383530 arpan_dodia@icai.org 488. JAYENDRAN G S Chennai 9940089157 jay@vyakya.com 489. JAYENDRAN G S Chennai 9940089157 jay@vyakya.com 490. JAYENDRAN G S Chennai 9940089157 jay@vyakya.com 491. Francis Kranja ERP Dar es Salaam 255715505678 fnk@bluekeyseidor.com 492. Shubham Singhal Shubham leads the New Age Technologies Practice in In2IT taking care of AI, NLP, RPA, Blockchain, BI and Big Data Analytics. He has previously worked in leading organisations like IBM and Infosys. He has completed his MBA from the prestigious Indian Insti Nairobi 254736975202 info@in2ittech.com 493. Jerry Thomas Borivali west 8796286775 mumbai@skynetsecure.com 494. SHINGALA NITIN PRABHUDAS Nitin leads the Tax-Business Process Solutions Service practice in Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India LLP and overseas a team of approximately 130+ professionals delivering outstanding services to clients for their accounting, tax compliance, reporting, payro Mumbai 9820057694 nshingala@deloitte.com 495. Anthony Dcosta 5 years of professional experience in corporate accounting & reporting, payroll, tax & regulatory compliance. I joined Deloitte in December 2015 having previously worked with MNC managing team within the finance and accounts functions. I am a qualified Ch Mumbai 9987791987 anthonyd@deloitte.com 496. Abha Mahajan S&C J&K Bank Employee Jammu 9906049406 cashaly@gmail.com 497. Sameer Shaikh ERP,HRM,CRM and Business Intelligence implementations Dubai 971505547109 sameer.shaikh@sage.com 498. SAMIR NAVIN THAKKAR Mumbai 8291447130 samirthakkar@gmail.com 499. JINTANWALA ZALAK AHMEDABAD 9979503595 umjintanwala@yahoo.co.in 500. PATHIK BHUPENDRAKUMAR SHAH AHMEDABAD 9879429493 pathik@pathikbshah.com 501. HARIKRISHNA K M Goernance Risk & Compliance DOHA 97455923807 harikrishna.mahadevan@pwc.com 502. SACHIN MITTAL Tally & Advance Excel Noida 9897729788 sachinmittal939@gmail.com 503. BEENOO MUKHI AHMEDABAD 7600746979 beenoo.mukhi1@gmaill.com 504. PRAMOD DATTATRAY CHINCHKAR Tally & IT Technology Thane 9819075210 pdc555@gmail.com 505. Mr Anupam Verma Ahmedabad 9990850090 dreameranupam@gmail.com 506. YASHESH ASHOKKUMAR KUNJAN JAKHELIA MUMBAI 9967586811 jyashesh@gmail.com 507. Praveen Sasidharan Cyber Risk Services Chennai 9900108283 psasidharan@deloitte.com 508. CA Bhadresh Arvind Shah IT Tools & Tally ERP-9 Mumbai 000000000 bashah1962@gmail.com 509. CA Anilkumar SHAH Income Tax- e filling JALGAON 9422276902 caanilshah@gmail.com 510. CA Laxmikant Lahoti Backup and Security Measures JALGAON 9422208141 calaxmikant.lahoti@gmail.com 511. MITESH PRAVINKUMAR VORA Mumbai 2233671428 mitesh.vora@pwc.com 512. Mr Rakesh Lakhani Mumbai 9820506906 rakesh.lakhani@in.pwc.com 513. Ms Heta Shah Mumbai 2266891317 heta.shah@pwc.com 514. CA Ravindra Patil MS Excel as Audit Tool JALGAON 9403760338 caravipatil@gmail.com 515. ASIF TAHERALLY MAKDA IT skills Mumbai 9819283115 asifmakda@hotmail.com 516. BHARATH KUMAR R Information Technology Coimbatore 9894102232 rushbharath@gmail.com 517. Deepak Yadav Radio Technology Manager ( BE – telecom ) from Bhopal Gurgaon 9999470498 deepak.k.yadav@nokia.com 518. Anshul Srivastav Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with Robotic Process Automation Ajman 0097167466996 anshulsrivastav@gmail.com 519. Kartikeya Bhargava Block-chain Solution Singapore 006568416223 kartikeyabhargava95@gmail.com 520. Karthik Jegannathan IS and IT audit for Small and Medium enterprises in the digital ecosystem Chennai 9962604516 karthik.jegannathan@gmail.com 521. AYUSH MAHESHWARI MS EXCEL EXPERT PALI 9772299552 ICAIPALIBRANCH@GMAIL.COM 522. BHUSHAN VIJAY GADIYA IT Jalgaon 9422345742 gadiyabhushan@gmail.com 523. PRAVINKUMAR PUKHARAJ ACHALIYA IT Jalgaon 9890995959 achaliya_pravin@rediffmail.com 524. SAMIR NAVIN THAKKAR Mumbai 8291447130 woneadvisors@yahoo.com 525. Anad Gupta IT – Power BI Abu Dhabi 026148000 anand.gupta@gmail.com 526. CA Gaurav Sangtani IT BANGALORE 8971995555 gaurav@sangtani.com 527. Sanjeev Deshpande IT HYDERABAD 9052555284 sanjeev.deshpande@itelligencegroup.com 528. Dheeraj Saxena IT DELHI 9654100541 dheerajsaxena1981@hotmail.com 529. CA Amit Bajoria IT BANGALORE 9686195802 amit.bajoria@wipro.com 530. CA M R Vikram IT HYDERABAD 9348822167 vikram@anandam.in 531. CA Susheel Saboo IT HYDERABAD 9966408500 susheel.saboo@mindmapconsulting.com 532. CA. Anurag Singhal IT KOLKATA 9088026252 anuragsingal@gmail.com 533. CA. SHAILESH KUMAR CHURIWALA Block Chain New Delhi 9999294554 churiwala.shailesh@gmail.com 534. VIJAY KUMAR Champ Excel New delhi 9810315945 vijay.agarwal.1234@gmail.com 535. Mr Aravind KS Bengaluru 8861201886 aravind.ks@tallysolutions.com 536. SHAILESH KUMAR CHURIWALA Blockchain Technology Gurgaon 9999294554 shchuriwala@deloitte.com 537. CHIRAG JAIN Excel Mumbai 9757404270 cma.chirag@gmail.com 538. Neena Mary Cyrlac BENGALURU 8861001167 neena_mc@infosys.com 539. NARASIMHAN E INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY BANGALORE 9886744517 ca.narasi23@gmail.com 540. Rahul Soni Mumbai 9967691940 zenithrahul10@gmail.com 541. Prashant Pardeshi Microsoft Certified Trainer Mumbai 9867163640 prashant@techandtraining.biz 542. Srinivasan S Muscat 99891079 shamsrini@yahoo.com 543. AMARNATH R R Bangaore 8039138276 amarnath_rr@infosys.com 544. BHATT SAURABH Blockchain Thane 9769700550 Saurabh@a5econsulting.com 545. VIVEK DHIMANT SHAH Blockchain Mumbai 9819633348 info@shahvivek.com 546. Prof. Vidhu Shekhar Artificial Intelligence Mumbai 9920311239 vidhu.shekhar@spjimr.org 547. Mr K P Narayanan Cloud Computing Kancheepuram 7550069104 narayanan.kp@zohocorp.com 548. Kailas K Bhattbhatt Tax and IT related skills Dar es Salaam 0774508508 kailas@bakertillydgp.com 549. Mudit Kothari A Mechatronics Engineer and an MBA in Finance, has over 6 years of experience of working in projects focused towards technology consulting and risk management in diverse fields and brings understanding of digitalization and automation. Ahmedabad 00919979881550 mudit@digirevx.com 550. Sana Bensaid Cyber Security IT Consultant – MOTC Qatar Doha 55262259 scsandy@gmail.com 551. Sangeetha Thomas Cyber Security Consultant Doha 55262259 scsandy@gmail.com 552. Asaad Arabi Country Manager Trend Micro Doha 55262259 scsandy@gmail.com 553. JITESH AGGARWAL ADVANCE EXCEL REWARI 9958062648 cajiteshagarwal@gmail.com 554. RAJAT GOYAL Audit & IT UJJAIN +971585953199 rajatgoyal1310@gmail.com 555. CA. Jatin Jhaveri Mumbai 9821195140 jdjhaveri@gmail.com 556. Mr Rajan Gupte Mumbai 9892320095 rajangupte@gmail.com 557. GOVINDSINGH BHAVARSINGH PUROHIT Mumbai 9768859386 purohit.govindsingh@gmail.com 558. AJIT VASANT PAL AUDIT AND SOFT SKILS BANGALURU 9980199098 AVPAL@GMAIL.COM 559. VAIBHAV VITTHALBHAI BALAR Office Management tools Surat 9427777217 balarvaibhav@yahoo.in 560. RAJKUMAR GANESH IYER It Hyderabad 9849165491 Hyderabadbranchevents@gmail.com 561. Shobha Singh Shobha Singh is working with Oracle for past 3 years as Business Development Director based in Dubai.
Shobha’s key responsibility in Oracle is to help build transformational journey for large customers by understanding Visions and business challenges. SDubai 971521042799 shobha.singh@oracle.com 562. Lokendra Rawat Lokendra is the Strategic Accounts Leader for ECEMEA, a program that focusses on top 75 Oracle customers in Eastern Europe, Middle East And Africa.
The main Focus of the Strategic Customer engagement is to create a Cloud Digital Transformational journeyDubai 971521042799 Lokendra.rawat@oracle.com 563. Dr. Suresh Hungenahally Cyber Security.
MISACA, MAISA, ISO 27001 LA, CISMMelbourne 61417567685 suresh.hungenahally@suruksha.com.au 564. KADAM SATISH KASHINATH THANE 9869016681 skkadam_co@mtnl.net.in 565. KADAM SATISH KASHINATH THANE 9869016681 skkadam_co@mtnl.net.in 566. KADAM SATISH KASHINATH thane 9869016681 skkadam_co@mtnl.net.in 567. MEDUTHURI VENKATESWAR REDDY IT- SKILLS Hyderabad 9849165491 hyderabadbranchevents@gmail.com 568. SHAILESH INDRAPURKAR DIGITALIZATION DOHA 55262259 scsandy@gmail.com 569. Ms. Saloni Verma Mumbai 9004944915 saloniverma@bdo.in 570. Imtiaz Mumbai 9422009015 ashishkhandelwal@khandelwaljain.com 571. TEEGALA AJAY REDDY Information Technology Hyderabad 9154641697 mars.ajay01@gmail.com 572. SRINIVAS B it Hyderabad 9391010567 bachusrinivasca@yahoo.co.in 573. Dr. Laith Gupta CEO Manama 0097336923216 drlg@cyresman.com 574. Khalid Saad CEO – Bahrain FinTech Bay Manama 0097337775543 khalid.saad@bahrainfintechbay.com 575. Vishwanath Nemani Senior Manager | Cyber Risk Services Dubai +971526244700 vinemani@deloitte.com 576. JIGISH JAISWAL TALLY ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE AHMEDABAD 9924140544 JIGISH.JAISWAL@TALLYSOLUTIONS.COM 577. JIGISH JAISWAL TALLY ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE AHMEDABAD 9924140544 JIGISH.JAISWAL@TALLYSOLUTIONS.COM 578. NIKUNJ NARENDRAKUMAR NATHAWANI ANAND 9824125341 info@nathawani.com 579. Sesha Prakash S Kusuma Sesha Prakash S Kusuma is the Group Vice President, PROMATAS Group of Entities.
· He also heads the Consulting division PromaSecure Consulting, Oman which is into information security – Generic as well as ISO standards and information assurance.Muscat 0096824590810 seshaprakash@gmail.com 580. Amitabh Saxena Amitabh Saxena is founder of Anexas, a consulting company with offices in 5 countries. He is an AI, Lean, Six Sigma, PMP, Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship Skills trainer and consultant. He and his organization have completed assignments for more Riyadh 919980020968 enquiry@anexas.net 581. JIGNESH GAJARA Dombivli 9870100067 jignesh@tallysupport.net 582. Jagdish Damania Bengaluru 8023513937 jagdish.damania@gmail.com 583. ASTON MATHEW IT, COMPUTERS, MS OFFICE JALANDHAR 7972966074 JALANDHAR@ICAI.ORG 584. JIJIL KUMAR M J BFSI/IT/ITeS SECTOR, 20 YEARS OF CORE IT IMPLEMENTATION, AUDIT, RISK AND GOVERNANCE EXPERTISE. THRISSUR 9995526729 jijil@msms.co.in 585. Adv. MANAN THAKKAR CYBER LAWS AHMEDABAD 9376137928 cyberlawadvocate@gmail.com 586. Achin Nahata Raipur 8518819888 achinnahata@gmail.com 587. RAJAT AGRAWAL Raipur Raipur 8319130080 sonalimishra0984@gmail.com 588. MURLI ATAL Information Technology Bhilwara 9950987445 atalmurli@yahoo.in 589. PIYUSH JAIN System and IT Management in CA office Bhilwara 7737425005 piyushd300@gmail.com 590. Mr. Anurag Sharma Information Technology Bhilwara 9928842232 beanurag@gmail.com 591. HARSHAL MANOHAR JAIN Internal Audit Mumbai 8888563663 harshaljain72@gmail.com 592. Mr. huzefa Putliwala MS Excel, Word, Powerpoint Ujjain 9826405238 huzefa4481@gmail.com 593. MR. PIYUSH JAIN Information Technology Bhilwara 09875089898 info@perfectsoftcon.com 594. Anand Paradkar IT Bhopal 9425301644 licanandp@gmail.com 595. Mrs. Mauli Khichadia Information Technology Mumbai 9029588610 mkhichadia@gmail.com 596. UDAY KUMAR D V N IT chennai 9884349956 uday@durv.in 597. MR. DINESH KUMAR BALASUBRAHMANIAM IT Chengalpattu 7550069104 dinesh.bk@zohocorp.com 598. Shri Vinod Kashyap IT New Delhi 9654455392 vinod.kashyap@nextgenknowledge.com 599. Shri Neeraj Aarora IT New Delhi 9871435035 nirajdp@gmail.com 600. MR. SUJEET PANDEY IT New Delhi 7619042042 sujup1234@gmail.com 601. MUKUND SHARMA ADVANCED EXCEL, MS ACCES AND MS WORD LATUR 9923902827 mukund1808@gmail.com 602. Ms. Deepali Maheshwari IT Bangalore 9903117983 deepalimaheashwari02@gmail.com 603. Narendra Jain IT Belgaum 9448629663 narendra@gmail.com 604. ANIL KUMAR SHARMA Jaipur 9829695514 anil.650@gmail.com 605. SURAJ SHARMA Jaipur 8302976849 sunsurya2008@gmail.com 606. MANEESH KUMAR PAREEK Jaipur 9784372668 manishkp68@gmail.com 607. AMIT VINAY CHATURVEDI Mumbai 7977847204 yashwant.n@phd.ind.in 608. Mr Sanjay Barnwal Mumbai 9004834126 yashwant.n@phd.ind.in 609. VIVEK SHIVKUMAR GUPTA Data Analysis & Automation (MS – Excel) Thane 9867036565 excitingexcel@gmail.com 610. Arpit Doshi Arpit Doshi is one of the aspiring Certified Ethical Hacker, Digital Forensic Expert, Cyber
– Crime Investigator and Information Security Professional in India.PUNE 9518598944 arpit.d@cybermateforensics.com 611. Bobby Thomas Delivery Head Dubai +971529069179 jaiprakash@icaidubai.org 612. Giridhar L S Managing Director Dubai +971504146718 Giridhar.ls@robotechsolutions.ae 613. Agrita Shah Surat 7622013139 aksjet@gmail.com 614. Mr Deepak Tiwari Tally with GST New Delhi 8285533443 deepak.tiwari@tallysolutions.com 615. Mr Sandeep Ujjainwal Tally With GST New Delhi 9810228213 sandeep.ujjainwal@tallysolutions.com 616. Mr Ankit Khatua Excel New Delhi 9560048228 ankit.khatua@tallysolutions.com 617. Prof. Kapil Kumar Suri IT Indore 9329778887 surikapil@yahoo.com 618. NITIN MEHROTRA Prayagraj 9559901741 canitinmehrotra07@gmail.com 619. BAHAL MOHIT Prayagraj 9415338865 camohitbahal@gmail.com 620. Mr. Jignesh Gajra Expert in Tally Thane 8779640703 miracletech.10@gmail.com 621. SANKET SHYAM KABRA Advance IT Nanded 9423693624 casanketkabra@gmail.com 622. ANSHUL KATEJA Udaipur 9680080980 anshul.kateja@gmail.com 623. Nimesh Jain IT Skills Udaipur 8955447003 j.nimesh94@gmail.com 624. Nimesh Jain IT Skills Udaipur 8955447003 j.nimesh94@gmail.com 625. KUNAL AGRAWAL Udaipur 9929503735 ca.kunal@icai.org 626. VAIBHAV TALESARA Udaipur 9352689784 vaibhavtalesara@gmail.com 627. Prakash Lohar Udaipur 9828227416 pcgorana20@gmail.com 628. RAVINDRA SINGH IT Skills Gaziyabad 9899088915 singhravindraca@gmail.com 629. MS. JYOTI LONARI Pune 7448186735 jplonari@gmail.com 630. MS. PRIYANKA GUPTA Pune 9860614632 priyankagupta@gmail.com 631. GAURAV AGARWAL IT Skills Bareilly 9286143491 gaurav.raa@gmail.com 632. Amit Srivastava Cybersecurity Dar es Salaam 255788969945 Amit@gatanzania.co.tz 633. Ms. Priti Kulkarni Information Technology pune 9960113719 kulkarni.prity@gmail.com 634. AJINKYA SURESH HIRAN Information Technology pune 9762054534 caajinkyahiran@gmail.com 635. CA. Amit Jhunjhunwala Digital Mindset & Digital
Transformation for Practising CasBangaluru 9972097920 amitJhunjhunwala.ca@gmail.com 636. CA. Vivek Verma Ethics Ranchi 9905908181 8181.viveksharma@gmail.com 637. SIDDHARTHA BHARDWAJ MS EXCEL DEHRADUN 9719144360 ca.sidbhardwaj@gmail.com 638. Anil Nair Founder Dubai +971529069179 jaiprakash@icaidubai.org 639. MOKSH BANDI Due Diligence , Valuation & forensic Audit MUMBAI 9773836977 mokshbandi@gmail.com 640. AMIT KUMAR HEDA Data analysis, data science MUMBAI 9969383357 caamit.heda@gmail.com 641. AMIT KUMAR HEDA Data analysis, data science MUMBAI 9969383357 caamit.heda@gmail.com 642. VICKY HASMUKH GALA Mumbai 7666907789 vickygala806@gmail.com 643. AMOL CHANDRASHEKHAR MHAPANKAR Mumbai 2261855130 amhapankar@deloitte.com 644. RAJA RAO S V fema hyd 9849054777 rajasvr@gmail.com 645. CA Suresh Devendran Advance Excel and Data Analysis Coimbatore 0096565593779 sureshkumaricwa@gmail.com 646. MURTAZA MOTIWALA B.Com+ Diploma in IT + MBA in IT MUMBAI 9930472590 murtaza.motiwala@matrix3d.com 647. JAGADISH P Advance Excel and Data Analysis Manama 0097339342521 jaga_dish08@yahoo.com 648. PATRA KAUSHIK Internal Audit Mumbai 9022770111 kaushikpatra@yahoo.com 649. RAKESH SINGH DIGITAL ACCOUNTANTS KOLKATA 9830537208 rakesh0211@gmail.com 650. CA SARITA AGARWAL I.T KOLKATA 9007816860 sarita@cloudinfosolutions.com 651. DIPAK KUMAR SINGH I.T KOLKATA 8861855997 dipak.singh.saggi@gmail.com 652. RAHUL RUNGTA I.T KOLKATA 9331039862 rahulrungta@gmail.com 653. VIVEK AGARWAL I.T KOLKATA 9681706868 vivek@skagrawal.co.in 654. Mr.Nagaiah R Information Technology Madurai 9840786893 nagaiah.r@yennes.com 655. Bipin Nair Cyber Security Assessment and Implementation, Technology Risk Assessment and Audits, Information Security Architecture and Enterprise System Controls. Riyadh 00966556698982 bipin.nair@ecovisalsabti.com 656. UTSAV BHANJA IT-SKILLS Kolkata 8100538345 UTSAV@JACKSONRECORDS.CO.IN 657. UTSAV BHANJA IT-SKILLS Kolkata 8100538345 UTSAV@JACKSONRECORDS.CO.IN 658. RUTUJA UDYAWAR PUNE 9822627730 admin@cayeolekar.com 659. Shawan Sarkar IT- Professinal- Involved with presales in Data science. Cloud technology andRobotic process Automation.Motivational Speaker Kolkata 9007798937 shawans@yahoo.com 660. SRI VIDYA DEVI K Finance control and IT sector MANGALORE 8147667709 sri_krishna@infosys.com 661. ADITYA SUNIL BHIDE Advanced Excel Belagavi 8105692579 bhideadityas@gmail.com 662. HEENA GUPTA Information Technology NOIDA 1203045957 heena.gupta@icai.in 663. CPE ADMIN IT NOIDA 1203045957 cpeadmin@icai.in 664. HARY RADHAKRISHNAN KURUP Pune 9922907431 h.kurup@outlook.com 665. ALEEM MEHMOOD YASMIN LILANI – Mumbai 9820578341 aleemlilani@bdo.in 666. Jairam Rajshekar – Mumbai 9324276041 j.rajshekhar@samaaudit.com 667. Mr. Hemang Doshi – Mumbai 9833115975 hemangdoshi99@yahoo.co.in 668. DEEPAK BALASAHEB SUGANDHI Pune 9822034965 deepak@msdn-ca.com 669. CA Deepak Sugandhi Pune 9822034965 deepak@msdn-ca.com 670. RAJKUMAR GANESH IYER IT Hyderabad 9515378026 coehyd@icai.in 671. Ambarish Tarte Corporate Trainer for Microsoft Office Suite/Office 365 user apps Abu Dhabi 0097151279303 ambarish.tarte@msexpert.net 672. CA Jay Chharia IT Skills Mumbai 9825196241 jaychharia@yahoo.com 673. SANCHIT AGGARWAL Trikuta Nagar 9796424000 sanchitaggarwal@icai.org 674. MUKESH SOLANKI Information Technology Mumbai 9022700544 camukeshgsolanki@gmail.com 675. Mr. Rajkuar Srivastav – Mumbai 9821436000 rajkumar.s@protivitiglobal.in 676. Hiram Shaikh – Mumbai 9892114853 hiriminamdar@gmail.com 677. Ram Kumar Kannan Chennai 9710999933 dinesh.bk@zohocorp.com 678. Lokendra Rawat Strategic Accounts Leader Dubai 971506258250 lokendra.rawat@oracle.com 679. Dhara Gandhi Mumbai 9967638151 cadhara.gandhi2018@gmail.com 680. CA. DHARA ASHISH GANDHI NA MUMBAI 9975396151 dhara.udeshi@gmail.com 681. Jos Mathew Blockchain DUBAI 0000000000 icairakchapter@gmail.com 682. Alan Murray ENGLAND 447900561419 admin@computergaga.com 683. CA Narasimhan Elangovan ? Chartered Accountant (FCA) from Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
? Certified Information System Auditor (CISA) from ISACA, United States of America
? Diploma in International Financial Reporting (DipIFR) from ACCA, United Kingdom
? MemberBanglore 919886744517 ca.narasi23@gmail.com 684. PADMANABHAN S IT Trivandrum 9447964275 capadmanabhan@spcas.in 685. PRATIBHA GOYAL MS EXCEL AND MS OFFICE NEW DELHI 9873793801 pratibha_goyal@hotmail.com 686. Tripti Dhar Data Protection and Legal Compliance Mumbai 9871268235 tripti.dhar@reinalegal.com 687. Rajesh Sakpal Rajesh has over 20 years of experience in areas of Information
Security, Cyber Security & DFIR .
• As the Founder & CISO of Decypher Technologies, a Core Information Security
Consulting Firm, he has been instrumental in successfully completing complexPune 919004080540 rajesh@decypher.in 688. Dinesh Bareja Dinesh is a Lead Consultant with focus delivery management of ISO and related cyber security projects across all sectors. Has over 15 years experience in IT domain and specializes in Security Strategy, Quality of Delivery, Risk Management, Compliance and Pune 919769890505 dinesh@opensecurityalliance.org 689. JIGAR RAKESH SHAH IT Skills Mumbai 9022169546 jigar.shah@skrathi.com 690. Mr. Sandeep Kumar Tyagi Information Technology Ghaziabad 8750099058 sandeeptyagi979@gmail.com 691. SAKET MODI Saket Modi is the Co-founder and CEO of Lucideus, an enterprise Cyber Risk Quantification (CRQ) platform company. A computer science engineer by education, he founded Lucideus in 2012 while in his final year of engineering. Incubated from IIT Bombay, head DELHI 09799555662 saket.modi@lucideustech.com 692. JIGAR RAKESH SHAH IT SKILLS MUMBAI 9022169546 jigar.shah@skrathi.com 693. MUKESH BAGARIA TECH EXPERT MUMBAI 9716499917 MUKESH.BAGARIA@TECHMAHINDRA.COM 694. MUKESH BAGARIA INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EXPERT MUMBAI 9716499917 MUKESH.BAGARIA@TECHMAHINDRA.COM 695. NARENDRA JAYANTILAL JAIN IT Skills Bengaluru 9448629663 narendra@nnms.in 696. Mr. Varun Kappor Indore 07312419410 prts_ind@mppolice.gov.in 697. Mr. Varun Kapoor Indore 07312419410 prts_ind@mppolice.gov.in 698. Mr. Deepak Gupta Audit Capabilities in Tally ERP 9 New Delhi 8460566572 deepak.gupta@tallysolutions.com 699. KRISHNA MODI INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY DHULE 9004993738 krish412@hotmail.com 700. CA. T N Ramanathan SAP ERP Hyderabad 9940150182 Ramanathan.Timachipuram@itelligencegroup.com 701. AMIT JINDAL Digital Accounting and Assurance New Delhi 9899440470 aj@felixadvisory.ocm 702. DEEPAK GARG NEW DELHI 9968840044 gargdeepak312@gmail.com 703. Mr. Ramen Ray Mandal Mumbai 9820145995 ramen@cloudsavenue.com 704. UNMESH NADKARNI Cloud based technology solutions. How to use Cloud base technology for learning, training and content management, day to day operations of business etc. Mumbai 9820085881 unmesh@edgelearning.co.in 705. ADIL ABDULKADAR DAULA Income Tax, Audit and IT Bhavnagar 9429131358 caadildaula@gmail.com 706. CA. R. L. Kabra Mumbai 9820131345 rlkabra@rkabra.net 707. Mr. Aakash Bassi Mumbai 2266262600 Aakash.Bassi@in.gt.com 708. Mr. Rushabh Bhatt Mumbai 2266262600 rushabh.Bhatt@in.gt.com 709. JAYESH SAINI Information technology
Cyber SecurityBikaner 918130517157 jayesh_saini@outlook.com 710. SNEHA BALDUA Cloud Computing, ERP & Its Working Amravati 7020189686 sneha@gmail.com 711. SINGHANIA RAKESH it hyderabad 9701777312 rakesh@singhania.org 712. NIRANJAN ARUN OAK Ledger Vision Software for Ledger Scrutiny from Tally Software. Pune 7666772954 ledgervision@gmail.com 713. SANDEEP SURENDRA MEENA MODI EXCEL MUMBAI 9594872502 dataflaconx@gmail.com 714. KRISHNAN He leads the Customer Success and implementations team for Zoho Payroll.
He is a customer-obsessed implementation, training and development professional who loves to gather insights on how users interact with products and to build solutions and support sCHENNAI 7550067104 krishnan@zohocorp.com 715. MD.RAMEEZ FAIZAL Regional Head (Partner Integration Program ) at Zoho Corporation, responsible for nurturing partnerships and strategic alliances, also heads the educational institution wing of Zoho finance products. He handles clients in India, Dubai, Bahrain, UK, and Sa CHENNAI 7550069104 rameez.ta@zohocorp.com 716. Pravin Joshi Mumbai 919819880141 joshi_pravin@hotmail.com 717. Gopi Krishna B P IT Skills in Tally Software Bangaluru 9980061176 gopi@tallysolutions.com 718. Gopi Krishna B P IT Skills in Tally Software Bangaluru 9980061176 gopi.krishna@tallysolutions.com 719. BALAJI K Digital Accounting, Block Chain, Crypto Currency, Artificial Intelligence, Office Automation Kottayam 9388262799 balaji@rangamani.net 720. Mr. Saurabh Kumar A renowned certified ethical Hacker working as Security Consultant for Infosys ltd Amsterdam Hyderabad 9515378026 saurabh_myself2000@yahoo.com 721. Mr. Arjun Wadhawa Arjun is a finance professional with a technological and creative
bent of mind with over 20 years of experience, a significant part of
which has been in entrepreneurial roles, specifically in the Education,
Sports and Journalism industries. He is a strNew Delhi +919811617289 arjun.wadhwa@careerlauncher.com 722. APOORV MATHUR Jaipur 8741083098 apoorv.14@gmail.com 723. HEMAL ANILKUMAR DOSHI Information Technoloy, Income Tax, Audit Rajkot 9825237073 hemal@bbmassocaites.com 724. CHATTERJEE HOMI KUMAR IT Implementation Shimla 9816980440 mail@homi.in 725. AMIT JAIN Automation in Excel Ghaziabad 9871572997 caamitjain1982@gmail.com 726. CA. Rajneesh Jain IT hyderabad 09865333333 afred@icai.org 727. MILIND SANATKUMAR KAPADIA Tax and IT- Skills Dar es Salaam 255784543955 kapadia.milind@gmail.com 728. Burzin Bharucha Cyber security Mumbai 7783164156 info@icaivancouver.com 729. Ambarish Tarte Training Navi Mumbai 9820567385 ambarish.tarte@msexpert.net 730. Kunal Pande Mumbsi 9892600676 kpande@kpmg.com 731. Romharsh Razdan Mumbai 9975596366 romharsh@kpmg.com 732. Alan Joseph Swamy Mumbai 9619402394 alanjosephswamy@kpmg.com 733. DEEPAK GUPTA IT- Skills Delhi 8860779306 gupta.k.deepak@gmail.com 734. PANKIL JAIN IT & BANKING Kota 9166373420 jainpankil01@gmail.com 735. PANKIL JAIN IT& BANKING Kota 9166373420 jainpankil01@gmail.com 736. PANKIL JAIN IT KOTA 9166373420 jainpankil01@gmail.com 737. CHANDRASEKHAR R Personal Data Protection Bill- Implications for Industry and Members CHENNAI 9820298197 sekhar@yandr.in 738. AKSHAT AGARWAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY KOLKATA 9836424343 AKSHAT@ODYSSEYGROUP.CO.IN 739. Nachiket Pendharkar mumbai 8097538138 nachiket@vinlearningcentre.com 740. Dr. Aneeta Madhok Mumbai 9321239894 kapoor@icai.in 741. Arjun Iyer Technology Toronto 14162701634 pd@icaitoronto.com 742. SRUSHTI MANTRI IT SKILL AHEMDABAD 9461263172 ca.srushtimantri@gmail.com 743. MOHAMMED NAJAB SADIQUE IT SKILLS Kannur 9656561212 najabsadique@gmail.com 744. Shilpa Jain office 365 tools Mumbai 09004934232 cashilpa01@gmail.com 745. POOJA MALHOTRA IT SKILLS CHENNAI 9619250020 support@boombirds.com 746. Tapas Bhattacharya CISA Kolkata 9830074315 tapasbhattacharya47@yahoo.co.in 747. Mr. Kalyan Raman Mumbai 9789031010 kalyan.raman@protivitiglobal.in 748. rahul d chheda powerpoint mumbai 9819994517 rahul.d.chheda@gmail.com 749. SANJAY SAHAY NEW DELHI 9650990686 SKGARG02@NTPC.CO.IN 750. CA Ruchi Maheshwari RPA, Project Financing, Accounting and Financial Management, Internal controls, Sarbanes Oxley (SOX) Compliance and Operational Risk, Blockchain Delhi 0919810718527 ruchigpm@gmail.com 751. PATEL SANDIP V Information Technology Bangalore 9818438083 neha29@in.ibm.com 752. PATEL SANDIP V IT Bangalore 9818438083 neha29@in.ibm.com 753. CA Sabruddin Shaikh Excel for CA Office Jalgaon 9579379460 sabuddinshaikh@gmail.com 754. DEEPAK JAIN IT- Skills DEHRADUN 9897297535 deepakjain18@gmail.com 755. ROHIT GUPTA IT Excel Rourkela 9776996579 carohitgupta5@gmail.com 756. CA Ameet Agrawal IT EXCEL Rajgangpur 98532820798 ca.ameetagrawal@gmail.com 757. Pankaj Roy Gupta Data Analysis & Financial Functions Mumbai 9822775046 prgupta@kiams.ac.in 758. Mr. Yashpal Negi Automation anywhere Mumbai 9867210573 Yashpal.negi@automationanywhere.com 759. Mr. Aditya Bangard Machine Learning analyst Mumbai 1233340494 adityabangard@gmail.com 760. Durga Dube IT Navi Mumbai 8454949494 Durga.dube@ril.com 761. Mahesh Kasbekar IT Navi Mumbai 9967590839 mahesh.kasbekar@ril.com 762. CA. Vidya Rajarao Mumbai 2266262600 vidya.rajarao@fraudopedia.co.in 763. CA. Sandeep Chowdhary SAP & Other ERP Softwares New Delhi 097455262250 scsandy@gmail.com 764. SOM DUTTA RAGHU IT Skills VARANASI 9335338885 casdraghu@gmail.com 765. ARUN AGGARWAL Technology and CA Gurugram 9891338830 arunaggarwalca@gamail.com 766. KAPIL KESHAVJI THACKER TALLY, ADVANCE EXCEL GANDHIDHAM 9722220777 info@yeshasoftware.com 767. Adamya Sharma Information Technology Gurgaon 01130100511 nirc@icai.in 768. SANJIB SANGHI Kolkata kolkata 9831434000 sanjib@cloudinfosolutions.com 769. BHARAT D SARAWGEE IT Kolkata 9830022057 bharatsarawgee@gmail.com 770. CA SARITA AGARWAL IT Kolkata 9007816860 saritaagarwal0406@gmail.com 771. DIPAK KUMAR SINGH IT Kolkata 8861855997 dipak.singh.saggi@gmail.com 772. Pugal T Tally Solutions Dubai 97142595065 nandaraja.shetty@tallysolutions.com 773. Mr. John Turner XBRL London 9999999999 john.turner@xbrl.org 774. NARENDRA KUMAR OJHA COMPUTER APPLICATION AND IT DELHI 9810139307 OJHANARENDRA@YAHOO.COM 775. Mr. Bhaskar Talukdar IT AHMEDABAD 9537035758 bhaskar@amnex.com 776. Mr. Rizwan Shaikh IT AHMEDABAD 9870319341 contact@rizwanonline.com 777. Kalpana Balasubramaniyam A leading IT specialist , with 20 years of experience , earlier with KPMG and now with GT. Over 20 years of professional services experience in a Big Four with key focus areas around RPA , Machine Learning and AI, Finance and IT transformation in GCCs,
Mumbai 919845205804 Kalpana.B@IN.GT.COM 778. Mr. Pranay Singh Chauhan Cyber Security Indore 09179074023 pranay.iet@gmail.com 779. Sandeep Gupta Sandeep Gupta, the founder of Zigtal has a vision of evolving the workforce with the unique model of outcome oriented engagements. Organizations should leverage the internal capabilities as this will lead to fostering sustainable success and ensure workfo Sydney 0061419485753 sandeep@zigtal.com 780. Sandeep Gupta Sandeep Gupta, the founder of Zigtal has a vision of evolving the workforce with the unique model of outcome oriented engagements. Organizations should leverage the internal capabilities as this will lead to fostering sustainable success and ensure workfo Sydney 0419485753 sandeep@zigtal.com 781. Ca radheshyam biyani IT skills
App Developerlatur 08888654567 rsbiyani@mail.com 782. CA. Mahesh Maheshwari Mumbai 9820173925 mahesh_tawani@hotmail.com 783. Dr. Farhat Jumani Mumbai 9869308949 info.crestwealth@crest.co.in 784. Mrs. Laxmi Pandya Mumbai 9819062422 info.crestwealth@crest.co.in 785. Shobha Singh Strategy and Business Development Director- Oracle Manama 971521042799 Shobha.singh@oracle.com 786. Hani Diya Manager at Oracle Riyadh 96599100724 hani.diya@oracle.com 787. Lokendra Rawat Strategic Accounts Leader for ECEMEA, Oracle Dubai 971506258250 lokendra.rawat@oracle.com 788. Prof. Asif Rampurwala Mumbai 9821239894 asif.rampurawala@vsit.edu.in 789. Dr. Farhat Jummani Mumbai 9869308949 Jfarhat@gmail.com 790. Mr Sohrab Vakharia Mumbai 8080178198 sohrabvakharia@gmail.com 791. Vilash Choudhary XBRL Kolkata 7869729600 vilash.choudhary@ckaca.net 792. NIKHIL TALWAR CYBER SECURITY MUMBAI 9224248399 nikhil@cybermaster.co 793. Aarti Gadhia Cyber Security Surrey 9999999999 pd@icaitoronto.com 794. CA Dayaniwas Sharma CA Dayaniwas Sharma possess over 18 years of experience in the field of auditing, accounting, corporate restructuring and other related financial management services. Overseen and managed large audit engagements during his stint at PWC. He is a Certified Singapore 6598579547 icaisingapore@gmail.com 795. Logan J Simpson Cyber Security Bahrain 0097317224807 kpmgbah@batelco.com.bh 796. Rumela Das XBRL Kolkata 08981185175 suvendu.chunder@ckaca.net 797. HARISH LOYA CA WARANGAL 8801512888 harish.loya.ca@gmail.com 798. NEELIMA J BANGALORE 9945470158 neelima@gurujana.com 799. MEENAKSHI BHERWANI rajasthan 9929950186 meenakshipfc@gmail.com 800. SONAL ALOK GATTANI Indore 9685916115 sonal.gattani13@gmail.com 801. Ms. Girjesh Chouhan Bhopal 9303311646 chouhan.gir@gmail.com 802. SWAPNA BALASUBRAMANIAN IT SKILLS THRISSIR 9847010422 ca.swapnamanoj@gmail.com 803. MINI CHANDRAN KAIPULLI IT SKILLS THRISSUR 9567442393 minianasuya@yahoo.co.in 804. CA. Krunal Makwana Mumbai 9870388357 krunal.makwana@in.gt.com 805. MS. HIRAL PANDYA JAMNAGAR 9898640897 JAMNGAR@ICAI.ORG 806. Ms. Beena Vas TAXATION
Ernakulam 9446365314 beenavas@gmail.com 807. GAURAVI AGRAWAL MATHURA 8126270667 cagauraviag@gmail.com 808. KRISHNAMURTHY K Cyber laws, Cyber security, Information systems Audits, Artificial Intelligence, ERP (SAP, Oracle, Peoplesoft, Deltek Costpoint), Strategy &Ops and GRC Reston 17039805906 krish.krithivasan@oeq-inc.com 809. VIVEK SHIVKUMAR GUPTA EXCEL THANE 9867036565 EXCITINGEXCEL@GMAIL.COM 810. VIVEK SHIVKUMAR GUPTA EXCEL THANE 9867036565 EXCITINGEXCEL@GMAIL.COM 811. CHOKHRA ADITYA Indore 9826200300 achokhra@gmail.com 812. PRABESH AGARWAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY GUWAHATI 8822322770 prabeshagarwal@gmail.com 813. PRABESH AGARWAL IT, TALLY GUWAHATI 8822322770 prabeshagarwal@gmail.com 814. CA. Soumya Jain Mumbai 9784404321 jsaumya72@gmail.com 815. VIVEK SHIVKUMAR GUPTA Mumbai 9867036565 excitingexcel@gmail.com 816. HARSH PANKAJ JOGANI Director Sales – Thomson Reuters | Coach | Angel Investor | CA (India) | CFA (USA) | DipIFR (ACCA UK) mumbai 9773585311 Harsh.Jogani@thomsonreuters.com 817. Mr. Shashank Rameshwar Mumbai 8767651167 shashank@lfcpltd.com 818. CA. Nagarjunrao Akula Aurangabad 9420242194 akularao@gmail.com 819. CA Parth Chauhan Small Automations in CA’s Office Nagpur 7757015510 chauhanparth26@gmail.com 820. Aashna Jain INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CHANDIGARH 8847004919 aashnajain.careersolutions@gmail.com 821. Harpreet Kholi Harpreet is a cybersecurity leader with extensive experience in building cybersecurity programs in various organizations at both strategic and tactical levels. She has helped organizations understand the impact of future technologies on their security lan Other 12047926484 info@icaivancouver.com 822. ABHISHEK MAHESH MITTAL data analytics & Internal Audits surat 9724599993 CA.abhimittak@gmail.com 823. RAJENDRA KUMAR K Information Technology
Ernakulam 7306741216 krkumar53@yahoo.co.in 824. PHILIP JOHN FERNANDES IT Skills Ahmedabad 9925385039 philipfernandes.3@gmail.com 825. JATIN NAVINCHANDRA CHHEDA EXCEL UTILITY
GST TAXMUMBAI 09821669090 jatin@cajca.com 826. JATIN NAVINCHANDRA CHHEDA EXCEL UTILITY AND GST TAXES MUMBAI 9821669090 jatin@cajca.com 827. JATIN NAVINCHANDRA CHHEDA IT SKILLS & EXCEL UTILITY MUMBAI 9821449090 jatin@cajca.com 828. JATIN NAVINCHANDRA CHHEDA IT UTILITY & EXCEL MUMBAI 9821449090 jatin@cajca.com 829. SAWANSUKHA RISHABH KUMAR Bite Sized Digital Skill Programs for Professionals Gurugram 9873416002 lifedekho2021@gmail.com 830. ANURAG MURARKA He having the good knowledge in IT Specially in Excel surat 9374622288 cakabra@gmail.com 831. Mr. N. Gupta IT Skills
Business Process Automation
Stock Market
Bank Audit
Interpersonal SkillSRIKAKULAM 7875676965 entrustconsultants@outlook.com 832. MAHADEOKAR MAKARAND VASANT Nashik 9922708868 mmahadeokar@gmail.com 833. Abdulqader Obaid Ali Abu Dhabi 0097150127930 pdc@icaiauh.org 834. Yuri Misnik Abu Dhabi 0097150127930 pdc@icaiauh.org 835. JATIN NAVINCHANDRA CHHEDA MUMBAI 9821449090 jatin@cajca.com 836. VENKATESAN M CHRNNAI 9566133594 mv@projas.in 837. MONICA CHALLANI CHRNNAI 9003055061 ucj.associates@gmail.com 838. DHAVAL JAYESHKUMAR PAUN RAJKOT 8200446905 dhavalpaun@gmail.com 839. MONICA CHALLANI CHRNNAI 9003055061 ucj.associates@gmail.com 840. DEEPHIKA S IT skills Chennai 9350799912 cia@icai.in 841. Pradip Pardeshi Information Technology, Microsoft Office Navi Mumbai 9820435736 pradip@techandtraining.biz 842. CA. Anant Govande Mumbai 9823310069 anant.govande@gmail.com 843. Mr. Praveen Jain Mumbai 01240543857 praveen@sevaltd.com 844. Vishal Ahuja Excel Tools Ulhasnagar 917666026206 vishal.ahuja@peakline.in 845. PANKAJ MUNDRA Trade Finance – Co-founder 360tf Dubai 971508560769 pankaj.mundra@360tf.trade 846. Adv Subhashish Biswas Advocate (Income Tax & Cyber Security) Jabalpur 9981230021 jabalpuricai@gmail.com 847. T.Malleswara Guptha Software Consultants Vijayawada 9959616682 malleswaraguptha@tallysolutions.com 848. Mr. Bibhu Mohanty Auditing Features in SAP FICCO Bhubaneswar 06742392391 brmohanty09@gmail.com 849. Ms Laila Abdullah Khasib Al Hadhrami senior executive-Digital Transformation in the eTransformation team,
Building Capacity and Awareness in Smart City Platform,
Change Management Consultant for digital transformation teams
Lead Government Innovation ProjectMuscat 0096895288288 Laila.alhadhrami@mtcit.gov.om 850. VIKAL JAIN DELHI 9213331108 vikaljain@gmail.com 851. SWAROOP POLIMERA Building of Real-Time reporting solutions for Internal Audit, MIS Dashboards, Automation Technologies Visakhapatnam 9550483482 swaroop.polimera@gmail.com 852. CA. Makrand Wagh Mumbai 9702823777 sridevi.shetty@macans.in 853. Mr. David Zakkam Big Data, Data Analytics Bangalore 09663815358 david.zakkam@swiggy.in 854. Aannaaand K. Deshpande Data Privacy Mumbai 9822217780 deshpande.aannaaand@gmail.com 855. Jignesh Patel Valsad 9825796470 Jignesh_Patel@atul.co.in 856. Kaustav Majumdar LinkedIn, Start-Ups, Incubation Kolkata 9831003560 kaustav@ilsnetwork.org 857. Prof Kaustav Majumdar Start Up Funding, Digital Marketing, Incubation, Branding Kolkata 9831003560 kaustav@ilsnetwork.org 858. Jitin Mangla Expert in IT skills, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, Microsoft Word Greater Noida 9711391991 jmangla@hondacarindia.com 859. MANSI JAIN Audit, IT Rajkot 9699339875 mansi.jain@infilytics.in 860. KARAN GOPALBHAI GUPTA PROJECT FINANCE AHMEDABAD 9998848961 patelguptaandassociate@gmail.com 861. Akshay Sakaria Blockchain Technology and Cyptrocurrency. Mumbai 9833903523 ca.akshaysakaria@gmail.com 862. Ekta Mittal INFORMATION SYSTEM AUDIT AND CONTROL MANAGEMENT. Hisar 09899518703 caektakhetan@gmail.com 863. ASHISH VERMA CORPORATE FINANCE, FP&A, FinTech and BLOCKCHAIN HO CHI MINH CITY 0084983766610 ashishverma1@hotmail.com 864. AMRIT KAPOOR P2P LENDING AND SUPPLY CHAIN FINANCING HO CHI MINH CITY 0084909140862 amrit.kapoor@validus.vn 865. ASHISH KUMAR Corporate Finance, FP&A, FinTech and Blockchain HO CHI MINH CITY 0084983766610 ashishverma1@hotmail.com 866. RANJITH J INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY THRISSUR 8136998912 RJWARRIER@GMAIL.COM 867. DARSHAN PRAVIN KULKARNI FAFD NASHIK 8149473073 darshan1791@gmail.com 868. Sonal Jain Partner Dubai +971528425530 priyesh.sethi@tallysolutions.com 869. RAMYA C Information technology Bangalore 7892474689 ramya.shekar@bankopen.co 870. Kundan Joshi Kundan Joshi is the founder and CEO of TheAppLabb, a leading app innovation firm focused on strategy, design and development of apps & emerging technologies. TheAppLabb has built over 600 apps in the last 13 years through 8 global offices and over 100 emp TORONTO 999999999 pd@icaitoronto.com 871. CA VIJAY GUPTA EXCEL NOIDA 8882247042 hnv@hnv.co.in 872. SHARMA ANIL KUMAR IT and Finance Haryana 9810901762 anil.sharma@heidelbergcement.in 873. RAJ KISHORE PODDAR Information Technology KOLKATA 8336923825 rajpoddar@gmail.com 874. ASHUTOSH DIGAMBAR NATH Members in Industry and compliances MUMBAI 983319406 ashutosh.nath@tradewin.net 875. Dhiraj Sobti Abu Dhabi 00971501279303 pdc@icaiauh.org 876. Rusabh Shah Start Up and Entrepreneurship AHMEDABAD 9824480900 rushabh.shah@marcgroup.co.in 877. TUSHAR GUPTA INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND IT AUDITS NEW DELHI 9717844006 tushar@tkg.group 878. ASHISH ANAND AGRAWAL MS-Excel Akola 9405967344 ca.aaacompany@gmail.com 879. ANKITKUMAR HITESH MEHTA MS-Excel Akola 9822833844 ahmehta.ca@gmail.com 880. Dr Triveni Singh Cyber Crime Expert Lucknow 9696100100 triveni.ips@gmail.con 881. KRITIKA SHUKLA Start-Ups and Corporate Law Kanpur 9807920699 kritikashukla13@gmail.com 882. PREMCHAND KASI Information Technology Hyderabad 9553457080 premkasi.savakasi@gmail.com 883. PREMCHAND KASI Information Technology HYdrabad 9553457080 premkasi.savakasi@gmail.com 884. Ms Ruchi Pai Mumbai 9833502111 ruchi@sahamati.org.in 885. P SHREEKANTH IT, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE MUMBAI 255785079051 CHAIRMAN@ICAITANZANIA.ORG 886. P SHREEKANTH IT MUMBAI 255785079051 CHAIRMAN@ICAITANZANIA.ORG 887. DENNY MARANDURE IT, DIGITALISATION DAR ES SALAAM 255785079051 CHAIRMAN@ICAITANZANIA.ORG 888. JYOT MANISH BAXI Vadodara 9714710197 jyotbaxi@gmail.com 889. Mr. Ashish Verma Experience
Ashish is currently leading Finance and IT functions of Kirby International APAC operations.
Before working with Kirby in South East Asia, Ashish worked with people from different linguistic and cultural background in countries such as KuwaitSingapore 0 icaisingapore@gmail.com 890. Mr. Raymond Raymond is an Associate Partner in EY’s Consulting Practice, with more than 20 years of internal audit, advisory and consulting experience.
He has extensive experience in the business process and technology risk domains.
In addition to his career with ESingapore 0 icaisingapore@gmail.com 891. CA. Tauwfiq Wahidi Mumbai 9967026038 tauwfiq.wahidi@nangia-andersen.com 892. TANYA GUPTA Personal Branding, Networkng & Marketing Delhi 7982196517 tanya.gupta@bankopen.co 893. Ms. Nikitha Prakash, ACCA DAX in Power BI mumbai 7708169153 sirccpe@icai.in 894. ANGAD PAL SINGH New Delhi 9911515363 angad@singhapca.com 895. ANKITH CHANDRASHEKAR SHETTY Bengaluru 9980731897 ankit@bcshettyco.com 896. Paul Komboi Data Communication Port Moresby 75615214 mcpd@cpapng.org.pg 897. Mr. Ashish Vakharia Data privacy and Data Security Pune 9403497248 avakhariya@deloitte.com 898. SUDHAKARAN K V Information Technology Kottayam 9446197725 warrier1234@gmail.com 899. PREM SEBASTIAN ANTONY Information Technology Kottayam 9995918484 premsebastianantony@gmail.com 900. PRIYA SEHT it Skils jammu 9870154666 sethpriya@gmail.com 901. Shailesh Indapurkar Digitial & Automation Kuwait City 0096565679291 shailesh.i@protivitiglobal.me 902. DEEPAK SHARADKUMARJI ZHAWAR IT Skills Amravati 97640888824 deepakzhawar@gmail.com 903. Prashanth K L Office Automation Bangalore 9845870003 klp@gurujana.com 904. SANDIP JOSHI TALLY SOFTWARE ACCOUNTING AHMEDABAD 8000467236 SANDIPJOSHI@GMAIL.COM 905. REESAV CHOUDHARY Sambalpur 7978236241 careesav@gmail.com 906. GOVIND NANDKUMAR BIDWAI DT & ITT Nanded 9890165306 cagovindbidwai@gmail.com 907. SAGAR GOPALDAS ROHIDA EXCEL AHMEDNAGAR 9850778875 sagar.rohida@gmail.com 908. Neel Banker Blockchain and Decentralisation JAIPUR 9952379679 NEELHBANKER@GMAIL.COM 909. Sh. Parth Kaloliya Blockchain and Decentralisation (Understanding the technology behind Crypto Currency) JAIPUR 9952379679 kaloiya@gmail.com 910. PAWAN NATWARLAL MALOO IT Ichalkaranji 7021845184 capawanmaloo@gmail.com 911. FRENIL RITHESH DSOUZA INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, SOFT SKILLS MANGALORE 8660668432 frenildsouza@gmail.com 912. Nikhil Mahadeshwar Cyber Security & virtual assets thane 9773170378 eventsthanebranch@gmail.com 913. Raj Kumar Choudhury Information Technology Kolkata 9038900902 rajkumar.choudhury@ckaca.net 914. Deepak Manna Information Technology Kolkata 9231313243 chunderkhator@ckaca.net 915. Mr S.Sathishkumar Erode 9566613611 007sathish@gmail.com 916. Dr. Saurabh Agarwal Mumbai 9519166622 saurabh.inc@gmail.com 917. Dr. Balkrishna Parab Mumbai 9833528351 balkrishnaparab@jbims.edu 918. Dr. Gopal Kalkoti Mumbai 9322265215 gopal.kalkoti@mvmeducation.com 919. Prof. Usha Ananthakumar Mumbai 9920524115 usha@som.iitb.ac.in 920. Mr. Parakh Jain Mumbai 2017905552 jainparakh@gmail.com 921. Arun Sadagopan IT Abu Dhabi 0097150127930 pdc@icaiauh.org 922. Deepika Agarwal Bank Audit New Delhi 9999263589 deepika@damodaragrawal.com 923. Ms. Latifa Saleh Alshehhi Data Management Dubai 0097150468065 pdc@icaiauh.org 924. Mr Rahul Tiwari Mumbai 02233671578 rahul.tiwari8286@gmail.com 925. ANKIT JALLAN IT Skills Guwahati 9864478787 ankitjallan@gmail.com 926. SARITA AGARWAL Ms Excel, IT, Audits Kolkata 9007816860 sarita@cloudinfosolutions.com 927. Rambabu Tally Expert Nellore 7207202170 ammunurutechnologies@gmail.com 928. KEDAR SOMNATH PANDE MS Excel
Power BIAurangabad 9272222200 kedarpande@gmail.com 929. VARNIKA GUPTA Bank Audit, IT Skills, Forensic Audit, Fraud Detection Kanpur 9451546080 varnika@agasax.com 930. VISWANATHAN M B Viswanathan is CA with over 16 years of experience and is the founder and executive director of Profectus Learning and Talent Solutions Private Limited (Profectus)
He has worked across multiple industries in a variety of roles and has consistently excellChennai 00919987983270 viswanathan.mb@profectus.in 931. BIBHUTI BHUSAN MISHRA Excel, Advance Excel BHUBANESWAR 09868490900 bibhutimishra_ca@yahoo.co.in 932. Mr. Sandeep Joshi Making the best use of Tally – Import and Automation of Data Jamnagar 2882713333 jamnagar@icai.org 933. Mr. Dhaval Lotia Automate Your Office – Work from Anywhere Jamnagar 2882713333 jamnagar@icai.org 934. KRISHMA DILIP CHANDARIA Advance features of MS word Jamnagar 8460690599 chandariakrishma@yahoo.com 935. BHAVESH SHARMA AHMEDABAD 8488882578 bhaveshsharma4@gmail.com 936. BHAVESH SHARMA AHMEDABAD 8488882578 bhaveshsharma4@gmail.com 937. RUPA JAIN DAGA IT EXCEL KOLKATA 7980850451 jainrupa9@gmail.com 938. NITISH HIMATSINGHKA KOLKATA 8621875542 HNITISH1998@GMAIL.COM 939. SUMIT BIHANI KOLKATA 9830638499 bihani.sumit@gmail.com 940. RISHITA DAS it KOLKATA 9051224435 csca.rishita@gmail.com 941. JITEN KUMAR SAHU IT, AUDIT BHUBANESWAR 9090577177 JITENKUMARSAHU@GMAIL.COM 942. CA Hari Maharajwala Surat 9712989102 ca.hpmco@gmail.com 943. CA Suyash Tulsyan Automation Using Tally KOLKATA 9830186384 suyashtulsyan@gmail.com 944. CA. Rakesh Singh I.T- Automation KOLKATA 9830537208 rakesh0211@gmail.com 945. NILAY SHAH VADODARA 9998042872 nilaystarnet@gmail.com 946. ASHISH P THANTHRY Mumbai 8976972597 meashishp@gmail.com 947. PRIYA SEHT Information Technology Jammu 9870154666 priyaseht@gmail.com 948. JOSH JOSEPH MCA THIRUVANANTHAPURAM 9633566008 mails.joshnco@gmail.com 949. Mr.R.Sankar Tally Prime Madurai 9840337092 sankar.r@yennes.com 950. Mr. Keith Kelly Dubai 0561061452 chairman@icaidubai.org 951. MEHUL YOGESH THAKKAR CA, CISA, DISA, CEH,MOS: Excel Expert Dubai 0561061452 chairman@icaidubai.org 952. TAHER ABIZER RASHIDA PEPERMINTWALA Information Systems Mumbai 8169021958 pepermintwala@jhsassociates.in 953. SHYAM AGARWAL IT KOLKATA 9903040775 cargagarwala@gmail.com 954. Mr. Sampath Anirudhan Cyber Security
Ernakulam 7736660666 sam@k4rm4.com 955. Vilash Choudhury Information Technology Kolkata 7869729600 vilash.choudhury@ckaca.net 956. MR. Anand Gautam Google Sheet- New era of Excel jalgaon 9422221920 anandgautam9901@gmail.com 957. BHAVESH AGARWAL SILIGURI 8101056230 bhavshagarwal97@gmail.com 958. Sunil Thomas Karickom Lecturer in Information Technology Department Salalah 0096897080180 gibu.chacko@crowe.om 959. NARENDRA CHOWDHARY INFORMATION SYSTEM AND CYBERSECURITY AUDIT MUMBAI 9892961551 omnaren@yahoo.com 960. Sachin Manohar Choudhar IT Bengaluru 9448496582 sachin@mca.co.in 961. DHAVAL RAMNIKLAL PATANVADIA MORBI 9328290350 DR.PATANVADIA@GAMIL.COM 962. MADHUSHALINI B Taxation
IT SkillsCoimbatore 9566574275 shalinimadhu08@gmail.com 963. LANGALIA MAMTA VISHAL AHMEDABAD 9429357499 langalia.mamta@gmail.com 964. MANOHARAN G M TALLY TIRUPUR 8825833744 manoharangm@gmail.com 965. Haresh Barot Gandhinagar 9825020196 haresh.barot@nfsu.ac.in 966. Prof Sanjeela Sagar Mumbai 9820292958 sanjeela.sagar@visit.edu.in 967. TARUN MODI IT, Blockchain and Cryptocurrency JAIPUR 797273401 tarun@mjlco.in 968. CA. Parth Atul Shah Mumbai 9321239894 parthshah.mail@gmail.com 969. YOGITA MAHESHKUMAR SHARMA Faridabad 9909962208 YOGITA.SHARMA@LNTMHIPOWER.COM 970. SUBACHANDRAN M Information Technology
Direct TaxesUdumalpet 9842291422 mdsedu@gmail.com 971. Shane Bell Shane is a partner at McGrath and Nicol and passionate about the intersection of Technology, Information and Risk and for the last 20 years has specialised in managing Cybersecurity and Information Risks in often challenging and sometimes highly stressful Sydney 061438329906 sbell@mcgrathnicol.com 972. Neil Matani Neil is a Technology and Cyber Analyst at McGrathNicol with experience in Cyber Incident Response, Governance and Cyber Maturity assessments. Assisting in multiple Incident Response matters for Australian organisations, Neil has experience in urgent on-si Sydney 061478688088 nmatani@mcgrathnicol.com 973. Arun Raj information Technology
London 9846399952 Arun.Raj@prevalen.ai 974. AISHWARY GUPTA Block Chain and emerging oppurtunities Kanpur 919044441417 xyz@gmail.com 975. CA Rajesg Reddy FinTech Abu Dhabi 504680655 pdc-subcom@icaiauh.org 976. Gururajan Krishnamurthy Digital Finance
Traditional Vs. Digital Finance
Transform Finance – Operational PerspectiveDubai 00971506318449 gururajan.k@zohocorp.com 977. Steve Blunt & Nikesh Lalchandani Steve is working at the University of Sydney since June 2012. Steve has held both senior technology and senior financial leadership roles across a span of industries, including higher education, manufacturing, public sector and FMCG. Currently, Steve lead Sydney 061432764515 Stephen.Blunt@sydney.edu.au 978. SABU THOMAS Digital Marketing Kottayam 9447035886 casabuthomas@gmail.com 979. GOVIND SUBHASH SHARMA Accounting and Auditing
IT SkillsDen Haag 0653539110 gsharma.23@gmail.com 980. Ian Dunn Ian has considerable experience in automating business processes and the session will provide an overview of the approaches to be taken to embark on the journey of business process automation. Sydney 061419951554 ian.dunn@btpaustralia.com.au 981. Giorgio Torre Digitalization DOHA 97455928942 giorgiot@kpmg.com 982. Dr. Konrad Grabiszewski DIGITALIZATION AND INNOVATION AROUND MOBILE TECHNOLOGY DOHA 97455928942 nahra@hec.fr 983. Neeshad Shafi DIGITAL TOOLS APPLICATION DOHA 97455928942 neeshadvs@gmail.com 984. Mr. Prem Pandey IT & Accounting Ludhiana 7508918116 pk.pandey@outlook.com 985. Ms. Gurpreet Kaur IT Ludhiana 8872725204 gurpreetkaur1@gmail.com 986. Karni Singh Jaipur 9460986460 singh.karni@gmail.com 987. Sanjay Kishore Jaipur 9829650816 kishore_sanjay@yahoo.com 988. Sridhar Khambhampati Jeddah 00918105107733 sridhark@prometiscybersecurity.com 989. VIVEK CHALLAA Jeddah 00919819768664 vivekc@vardaanresources.com 990. DIWAN MANISH Expert in the Area of Costing, Taxation, Accounting.
Expert in Microsoft Power Point PresentationGreater Noida 9818186353 manish1605@gmail.com 991. DEVARSHI BHUWALKA IT Tools- Microsoft Office/G-Suite, Workspace efficiency KOLKATA 9674678941 bdevarshi@gmail.com 992. Gursewak Singh Information technology, Microsoft Excel, Tally JALANDHAR 7696268285 Gursewakica@gmail.com 993. Sanjay Kumar Das Joint secretary, dept of IT, Govt of West Bengal NA 9830310560 sandeep@isoeh.com 994. Supratim Chakraborty Cyber Law NA 9831004140 caskroy@gmail.com 995. Jose P Thomas Technology consulting Manama 0097339515766 Jose.Thomas@protivitiglobal.me 996. Adib Ebrahim Consultant- IT/Engineer Dubai 00971566251588 adib.ibrahim@protivitiglobal.me 997. UPADHYAY SHISHIR Varanasi 9839016215 shishiruco@gmail.com 998. Abhishek Sharma All Langues and MS office with tally Kota 9352615356 cicaabhishek@gmail.com 999. Ms.Shaifali Singh mumbai 8454949601 Shaifali@theimageworksco.com 1000. YASH SATISH AANCHALIYA EXCEL SKILLS, STOCK MARKET ANALYSIS SKILLS DHULE 9490420841 yash.aanchaliya@gmail.com 1001. DEEPIKA AGRAWAL MICROSOFT EXCEL,GST DELHI 9999263589 deepika.agrawal67@gmail.com 1002. Prem Kumar Panday Advanced Excel ludhiana 7508918116 pk.pandey@outlook.com 1003. Chandrasekhar R 1. Information Security and IT Audits
2. IS & Risk Advisory ServicesChennai 9841582933 sekhar@yandr.in 1004. CHANDRASEKHAR R 1. Information Security & IT Audit
2. IS & Risk Advisory ServicesChennai 9841582933 sekhar@yandr.in 1005. ABHISHEK KUMAR IT Patna 9608235195 abhishek9608252531@gmail.com 1006. Shri Sachin Dhedia . Mumbai 9867700095 sachin@skynetsecure.com 1007. SAGAR SURESHCHANDRA SOMANI CAAT Nanded 9511689001 casagarsomani@gmail.com 1008. Brian Jamieson Fintech Jeddah 00447500113283 brian@lamaa.sa 1009. ROHIT KHANDELWAL Crypto Currencies Indore 9584040883 khandelwal-rohit@hotmail.com 1010. SURENDRA TADIKAMALLA FINANCE AUTOMATION\
ROBOTIC PROCESS ACCOUNTINGDar es Salaam 255629916518 TADIKAMALLASURENDRA@GMAIL.COM 1011. Mr. Vipul Tamhane Cyber laws PUNE 9545553592 vipul@exestat.com 1012. Gurpreet Singh Advanced Excel Jammu 9796679394 gurpreetsinghraina29@gmail.com 1013. Rajiv Gupta Advanced Excel Amritsar 9814736888 galaxy.rajiv@gmail.com 1014. CA. Kunal Soni Mumbai 8017178233 kunalsoni1995@gmail.com 1015. Shefali Girdhar IT Karnal 9034433222 shefali.girdhar@gmail.com 1016. MAYANK Forensic Accounting Jodhpur 8005601309 charteredteams@gmail.com 1017. CA DEEPAK GARG EXPERTISE IN ADVANCED EXCEL SIRSA 9729674925 CADEEPAKGARG5@GMAIL.COM 1018. Ashutosh Kumar IT Patna 8328134566 ash.priyanka@gmail.com 1019. BHARATKUMAR SHASHIKANT GADKAR Audit in SAP envionment Vasai Virar 9820302289 bgadkar@gmail.com 1020. NEETU KAPOOR IT, Tally CHANDIGARH 9646444204 caneetukapoor@gmail.com 1021. ANAHITA JAIN IT CHANDIGARH 9888403287 caanahitaj@gmail.com 1022. RAVISH MANDAWAT IT TALLY EXPERT Udaipur 9462565777 ravishmandawat@gmail.com 1023. SANJEEV BANSAL INCOME-TAX, IT Patiala 9872327962 bansalca7@gmail.com 1024. Paras Kumar MS-OFFICE, IT Nabha 7888809898 paras.kk@live.com 1025. Mr. Teja Pakyala HYDERABAD 6302784277 hyderabad@icai.org 1026. ALAMELU BALAJI GANESH PARTNER, TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING, EY CHENNAI 9176288800 sircmis2020@gmail.com 1027. KOTTARAM V. RAMESH NATIONAL CYBER SECURITY SCHOLAR, FOUNDER DIRECTOR – INGU’S KNOWLEDGE ACADEMY. CHENNAI 9500123029 sirccpe@icai.in 1028. YASASWY SARMA VELURI CEO AND CO FOUNDER – CR SQUARE FINANCE CHENNAI 7200324403 sirccpe@icai.in 1029. Punit Agarwal IT Skills Pune 8327794527 Punit@koinx.com 1030. KETAN SHANTILAL JAIN IT Skills Pune 8007999726 cajainketan@gmail.com 1031. MAYURI MANOJ BHURAT IT Skills Pune 7588012500 mayuribhurat@gmail.com 1032. Nuni Kulu NA Port Moresby 67575615214 mcpd@cpapng.org.pg 1033. Ruchi Bhaskar Dixit Excel mumbai 8369341693 dixit.ruchi17@gmail.com 1034. Prashant Jain Cloud Solutions Melbourne 04434851565 prashant.jain@kyndryl.com 1035. Siva Shivaganken Big Data and Power BI Melbourne 61390024200 info@insight38.com.au 1036. RADHESHAM SHRIRAM BIYANI I T skills Latur 8888654567 carsbiyani@gmail.com 1037. JAIN SANJAY Excel & Tally Kolkata 03322302243 sanjay@jjainco.com 1038. GORRI RAWAT It Skills Guna 7770822275 cagorrirawat@gmail.com 1039. Neeraj Deswal Hardware & software delhi 9911177532 neeraj.deswal@gmail.com 1040. Mandar Amrite Cyber Security, Cyber Tools & Techniques Pune 8806666051 mandaramrite@gmail.com 1041. SUBAL JALAN IT Skills Noida 09810411291 subal@sarcmail.in 1042. SHIVA LIKHDHARI Excel Skills Jhansi 9956299791 cashivalikhdhari@gmail.com 1043. VIVEK JAIN Excel , powerpoint and MS Word Agra 8899168866 ca.vivek87@gmail.com 1044. CA Ravindra N Patil Excel MS OFFICE IT jalgaon 9209300789 patilravindra1985@gmail.com 1045. PANKAJ TANEJA IT, SOFT SKILLS, INTERNAL AUDIT SAMASTIPUR 9818055623 hrkpankaj@gmail.com 1046. DESHPANDE SANJAY ANANT IT – Skills NAGPUR 8421609190 sanjay.deshpande04@gmail.com 1047. JINAL MULRAJ AMRUT MAROO Cyber Security MUMBAI 9323523904 jinalmaroo@yahoo.com 1048. SUSHIL KATYAL TALLY EXPERT MORADABAD 9910358368 sushul.katyal@tallysolutions.com 1049. SEJAL JALAN JORHAT 9577226704 ca_sejaljalan@outlook.com 1050. PRAFUL KRISHNAKUMAR SAVITA GUPTA Kalyan 9819184119 Prafulkgupta1@gmail.com 1051. PRAFUL K. GUPTA Kalyan 9819184119 Prafulkgupta1@gmail.com 1052. MANU K T BALACHANDRAN I T SKILLS
INTERNATIONAL TAXATIONErnakulam 9884089597 ktb.manu@gmail.com 1053. GOPIKRISHNAN S IT SKILLS
AUDITINGThiruvananthapuram 9496321858 cagopikrishnans@gmail.com 1054. Mohammed Imthiazullah RPA, Process Improvements Chennai 7825824140 Mohammed.Imthiazullahi@cognizant.com 1055. Mohammed Alfan Data Analyst
Financial AnalystKozhikode 8086738783 alfankp86@gmail.com 1056. Daumantas Grigaravicius ABU DHABI 111111 pdc-subcom@icaiauh.org 1057. SURABHI JAIN cyber security chittorgarh 9785003847 casurabhijain@gmail.com 1058. Quais Husain Experienced all stage of software development, design, support, maintenance, sales, building startups, growing startups, supporting high growth engineering teams. Nagpur 8329698939 quais.husain@gmail.com 1059. ROY SUBRATA KUMAR Information Technology Kolkata 09831004140 caskroy@gmail.com 1060. Dr Advocate Ruchi Dixit mira road 8369341693 dixit.ruschi17@gmail.com 1061. Dr Nipun Shah mira road 8169429505 sainipun01@gmail.com 1062. Dhaval Mehta Tally Ahmedabad 9825293488 info@globalsoftwares.net 1063. LAXMIKANT MALPANI ESG and Business Responsibility for Sustainability Reporting Mumbai 9322335595 lkmalpani@gmail.com 1064. Kewal Kishan gurgaon 9718417332 kewalkishan@zillion.io 1065. RAVI KEDIA Automation Tools for professionals kolkata 9903979297 ravi@orchidtec.in 1066. NEERAJ KUMAR JAIN Cloud accounting kolkata 9831414000 neeraj@realbooks.in 1067. RITESH GARG UAE Tax opportunities dubai 971585178834 caritesh90@gmail.com 1068. Manish Kapoor Virtual CFO gurgaon 9899240051 Manishkapoor.ca@gmail.com 1069. Kewal Kishan Google workspace gurgaon 9718417332 kewalkishan@zillion.io 1070. Harshang Shah 20+ years of Cyber Security experience & passion to help business mitigate Cyber Security Risk @ speed to grow fast. My Core Competencies include:
• Cloud Security and Digital Transformation across on-premise, IAAS, PAAS & SAAS solutions.
• ZeroMelbourne 0391250439 info@cyber-forte.com 1071. Sayandeep Banerjee Information Technology in Audit Kolkata 09620708300 sayandeep.banerjee@in.ey.com 1072. PRANAV PRATIK TULSHYAN Power Query, Python and other AI language. Work Automation. PATNA 9205526726 PratikTP@INDIANOIL.IN 1073. AASTHA CHOUDHARY Core Competencies : Finance Business Partner, Finance Transformation, Logistics Fianance, Regional Head of Finance, Controllership, FP&A Hong Kong 85269019883 aachoudhary@deloitte.com.hk 1074. SHRI VIBHAV SRIVASTVA MADHYA PRADESH 9582260463 v.srivastav82@gmail.com 1075. SHRI RAJIV GUPTA DELHI 8884428069 therajivguptacompany@gmail.com 1076. PALAK VASA RAJKOT 9833310323 contactus@infilytics.in 1077. DR. NAVEEN KUMAR CHAUDHARY GANDHINAGAR 7923977103 naveen.chaudhary@nfsu.ac.in 1078. Talal Al Kaissi Abu Dhabi +971553962854 nithin.janardhanan@g42.ai 1079. Richa Patil Abu Dhabi +971545296858 richa@metadecrypt.co 1080. Dr. Zahra Rashid Said Al-Rawahi Computer & Information Technology
Artificial IntelligenceMuscat +96891199917 zahra.rawahi@gmail.com 1081. LAKSHMANAN A IT Skills
TaxationCoimbatore 7010765135 lak93.7@gmail.com 1082. ANIL KUMAR S L IT SKILLS SALEM 93422294444 anil@vnv.ca 1083. Madhav Koparkar Information Technology Pune 9850960669 madhav@sutradhar.co.in 1084. Madhav Korpakar Information Technology Pune 9850960669 madhav@sutradhar.co.in 1085. Anju De Alwis Anju De Alwis – Dubai UAE / Australia
Managing Director and International PresenterAnju is a speaker and lecturer from Australia with extensive commercial experience supported by academic qualification.
She is a hig
Dubai 971562250022 anju@ultimateaccess.net 1086. CA. Zainab Lokhandwala Mumbai 9221335310 moizainab2002@gmail.com 1087. KIRAN KASHINATH SHINDE OFFICE AUTOMATION BOISAR 7506647791 INFO@CAKIRAN.CO.IN 1088. GOPAL KRISHNA RAJU Embracing Digital Culture with Case Studies MADURAI 9840063269 gkr@kgrca.in 1089. ALOK SETHI Creating Powerful Data visualizations for financial statements: Using Power BI and Tableau AJMER 9509405254 CAALOKSETHI@GMAIL.COM 1090. ANIL KUMAR S L Use of Technology by SME in Audit HYDERABAD 9342229444 anil@vnv.ca 1091. PATTABHI RAM V Chat GPT for Chartered Accountants CHENNAI 9840918012 patbram@gmail.com 1092. Md. Rameez Zoho: Modern Financial Platform for today’s Digital Accountants BANGALURU 7200000752 rameez.ta@zohocorp.com 1093. CA Rajat Agrawal Bilaspur 8517001111 rajatagrawal419@gmail.com 1094. MANISH KUMAR BAID Information Technologies Gurgaon 9910504411 manish.baid@libgem.in 1095. SOMDEB BHATTACHARYA IT Sox404 & Robotic Process Automation KOLKATA 09739063820 somdeb2010@yahoo.co.in 1096. Joel Onditi Joel holds a Master of Science in Business Intelligence from the University of Denver and Bachelor of Science in Computer Technology from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. He was a Senior Consultant at Perficient where he built solut Nairobi 254771616839 info@pathwaysinternational.com 1097. CHARLOTTE KEPADISA Charlotte Kepadisa is currently Head of Big Data and AI for Safaricom PLC, previously Executive Head: Vodacom Business CVM and Analytics
To keep abreast of the ever changing Artificial Intelligence and Technology landscape, Charlotte has amongst others cNairobi 254722004260 mobileoffice@safaricom.co.ke 1098. RAHUL GUPTA Excel Expert New Delhi 9650433488 rahulca.alw@gmail.com 1099. Navin Chandra Roy Weekendre Innovation pvt Ltd, SFS Flats, Mukharjee Nahgar New Delhi 9971439868 ncroy@outlook.com 1100. VIJAYAN K K IT SKILLS KANNUR 9447021772 kkvijayancnr@gmil.com 1101. NAVEESH NAGPAL Unlock the power of AI & Chat GPT Gurugram 9582289938 nagppalnaveesh@gmail.com 1102. PRAVEEN V INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ALAPPUZHA 9388951264 capraveenv@gmail.com 1103. PRAVEEN V INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ALAPPUZHA 9388951264 capraveenv@gmail.com 1104. PRAKASH ANIL THAKKAR Excel Tools, Power Query Kalyan West 8898250591 iprakash79@gmail.com 1105. AISHWARY GUPTA Blockchain Technology and It Skills Kanpur 9044441417 ca.aishwary@gmail.com 1106. VED PRAKASH ANAND Artificial Intelligence (AI), SEO, Content Writing, Social Media, Web Developer, Website Security Bokaro Steel City 7004700869 vpanand008@gmail.com 1107. BIJU R MS EXCEL, POWER QUERY, POWER BI Thiruvanathapuram 9947097348 biju.earath@gmail.com 1108. TOM THOMAS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ALAPPUZHA 9446339936 tomthomas@outlook.in 1109. AMAL GEORGE THRISSUR 9744077799 amalgeorge@vasanandwales.com 1110. ANEESH V THRISSUR 9995067832 aneeshv02@gmail.com 1111. SREEHARI A C IT SKILLS KANNUR 8547888484 acsreehari@gmail.com 1112. DEEPAK SIDDARTH P Automation salem 8778331203 cadeepaksiddarth95@gmail.com 1113. PRAKASH TOLANI Ms – Excel Varanasi 9450708233 prakashtolanico@rediffmail.com 1114. CA. Sukant Roy Ms-Excel Varanasi 9415449918 sukantroyvns@gmail.com 1115. Ms. Devaki Naik Mumbai 02233671400 devakinaik14@gmail.com 1116. MR SUNIL AGARWAL GENERATIVE AI CHAT GPT PUNE 9970095950 sunil.agarwal@ltimindtree.com 1117. MR. SUNIL GERNERATIVE AI CHAT GPT PUNE 9970095950 SUNIL.AGARWAL@LTIMINDTREE.COM 1118. Luke Moon CFO and COO of FMCG and IT Transformation Sydney 61297413800 svanjara@4wdsupacentre.com.au 1119. Jay Hira Cyber Security Risks and Governance Sydney 61427746168 Contactjayhira@gmail.com 1120. Parag Patki IT and AI Sydney 61405699154 parag.patki@tcs.com 1121. ADARSH ASHOK MADRECHA IT skills Mumbai 9987166585 adarshmadrecha@gmail.com 1122. VISHRANTH B L Artificial intelligence in MS Office Bengaluru 9964237094 vishranth@vandk.in 1123. JAYANTH N RAO Software in profession Bengaluru 9916352064 jayanth.rao@vandk.in 1124. SAWAN ASHOKBHAI GHETIA CA rajkot 9428627636 sawanghetia@gmail.com 1125. Dr. R.K. Tailor Mumbai 9829013280 drrktailor@gmail.com 1126. Mr. Ibrahin Khatri Mumbai 9820061608 ibrahim.khatri@privezi.ai 1127. CA. Ravi Chhawchaira Surat 9662024702 credent2017@gmail.com 1128. JAGDISH BABURAO LADE AI, ML, DL, Blockchain, ChatGPT, Python, SQL, Tableau, Power BI, and Looker. Pune 7030561007 cajagdishlade@gmail.com 1129. GANGWAL VIKASH Block Chain KOLKATA 9831327958 vikashgangwal@gmail.com 1130. CHANDNI DINESHBHAI TANNA Maximizing income potential with Power BI’ rajkot 9409771885 rajkoticai04@gmail.com 1131. Mr. Parth Patel “Tally Prime: Pune 9503111836 pimpri.chinchwad@icai.org 1132. SHIVSHYAM MAURYA VADODARA 9925972246 MAILTOSSMAURYA@GMAIL.COM 1133. GAGARANI SANJAY IT Skills Dubai 971501892115 sanjay@premier-brains.com 1134. Roshini V Roshini is a certified information systems auditor (CISA) and certified information systems security professional (CISSP) with 12 years of experience. She began her career in the risk advisory practice and worked on technology risk audits, Sarbanes Oxley Chennai 09962756994 Roshini.V@cognizant.com 1135. JAY PRAKASHCHANDRA ACHARYA Data Visualisation through Excel Rajkot 9824250909 Rajkoticai2@gmail.com 1136. Sridip Ganguli Sridip is a partner leading data analytics, business intelligence, process mining and tech led solutions for Financial Advisory. He has over 21 years of
expertise in these areas, helping organizations make more informed, data-backed decisions enabled byDubai 971506509422 sganguli@deloitte.com 1137. Siddharth Johri Data Strategy | Data Governance | Data Management | Data Doha 97444576444 siddharthjohri@kpmg.com 1138. Christos Christou Tech Compliance Abu Dhabi 0501114786 christos.christou@lulufin.com 1139. Krishna Worotikan Krishna is currently the country CFO for Indonesia, looking after all financial aspects in
the subsidiary and working with the regional hub in Singapore. He has more than 12 years of
Finance experience, mainly in the Oil & Gas and manufacturing industriJakarta 62818210285 krishna.worotikan@microsoft.com 1140. AMIT KRISHAN GARG DATA SECURITY HAPUR 9897220021 amitkrishangarg@gmail.com 1141. ABHAY VIJAY GADIYA Pune 8380010924 abhay.gadiya@gmail.com 1142. ABHAY VIJAY GADIYA Pune 8380010924 abhay.gadiya@gmail.com 1143. FAHAD P K IT SKILLS Puzhathi 9995299529 fahadpk.pk@gmail.com 1144. Mr. Prashant Pardesi Mumbai 7977143563 prashant@techandtraining.biz 1145. SUPRIYA SUNIL BANSAL Pune 7799883436 supriya.bansal@avallp.in 1146. MARGIK HITENDRA DOSHI ERP implementation, technology consulting, and startup advisory. Ahmedabad 9408987398 Margik@ozapateldoshi.com 1147. Clement Waine Artificial Inteligence Port Moresby 75615214 mcpd@cpapng.org.pg 1148. manish suneja IT skills & development Muzaffarnagar 9045210649 suneja123@gmail.com 1149. Dr. Nilay Mistry School of Cyber Security & Digital Forensics
Detecting and Defending against Cyber Threats,Exploring Dark Web,OSINT Mini and Case File,
DIGITAL SKILLS: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Introduction to Machine Learning,Introduction to Anti-Corruption,Advanced AntGandhinagar 9904071406 nilay.mistry@nfsu.ac.in 1150. Praveen Kumar Tangella Information Security
Internal Audits
HITRUSTHyderabad 9866778894 praveen.tangella@gmail.com 1151. Sultan Al Hajji Artificial Intelligence Abu Dhabi 111111 ca.anuthomas@gmail.com 1152. SACHIN HISSARIA MUMBAI 7615819433 hissaria17@gmail.com 1153. ANKIT MITTAL EXCELL,DATA SCIENCE,ARTIFICIAL INTELIGENCE,PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT Muzaffarnagar 9412710012 ca.ankit@ankitmittal.com 1154. SUNIL KUMAR MS EXCELL,DATA SCINCE,ARTIFICIAL INTELIGENCE Muzaffarnagar 9927990098 tanmayeca@yahoo.co.in 1155. RAHUL SHIVKUMAR DHARNE FCA, CPA (Ireland), ACMA, CS, LLB, FAFD, DISA (ICAI), B Com Latur 9028671001 rahul@rsda.co.in 1156. RIDDHI KANAIYALAL KHAKHAR Effective use of internet and email.. rajkot 9638901114 riddhikhakhar89@gmial.com 1157. PRATIBHA NATANI cyber security and professional opportunity for ca in cyber security jaipur 9958723731 pratibhanatani@gmail.com 1158. RACHERLA RAKESH GUPTA IT SKILLS
DIRECET TAXESANANTAPUR 9492748499 r.rakeshgupta@icai.org 1159. BONTHALA V SAKETH IT SKILLS
DIRECT TAXESANANTAPUR 9985508881 sakethbv@icai.org 1160. SWATI BADAYA JAIPUR 9829074320 swati.atolia@gmail.com 1161. Sandip Joshi Tally Prime rajkot 9409226907 radhe@tallyforce.in 1162. Mr. Ashutosh Kumar IT Skills Patna 8228948838 ash.priyank@gmail.com 1163. AKANKSHA SAXENA more than 12 years of experience in field of Cyber Security and Data Privacy GURGAON 9910116342 AKANKSHASAXENA@KPMG.COM 1164. KALPANA V POWER BI COIMBATORE 948721852 gth.kalpana@gmail.com 1165. Saruchi Jalandhar 9464338700 Saruchig@gmail.com 1166. RAJAT DAGA IT skills BIKANER 9821006245 rajatdaga27@gmail.com 1167. VINIT JAIN ADVANCE EXCEL BHILWARA 9967932162 vinitsjain@outlook.com 1168. Ms. Manju Mittal Pune 9822510002 manjurmit@rediffmail.com 1169. ANSHU AGARWAL Agra 9639381251 caanshuagarwal@gmail.com 1170. JINU ROSE JOHNSON IT THRISSUR 9539453624 jinuroseca@gmail.com 1171. CA. ANIRUDH SARAF ADVANCED EXCEL TECHNIQUE IN ACCOUNTING AND RECORD KEEPING KOLKATA 9836457575 SARAF.ANIRUDH@GMAIL.COM 1172. NAVEEN DEWRA USE OF ADVANCE EXCEL BEAWAR 9694710077 naveen.devra07@gmail.com 1173. Mr. NAVEEN DEWRA USE OF ADVANCE EXCEL BEAWAR 9694710077 naveen.devra07@gmail.com 1174. Mr. Dilesh Rajdev Working as a IT Professional, Excel, Access & Tally Amravati 8788446878 dilesh4ever@gmail.com 1175. MR PANKAJ SONI MS OFFICE JODHPUR 9929120411 sonipankaj.252@gmail.com 1176. TARUN KUMAR ABBHANI IT SKILLS BHOPAL 9522108108 tarunabbhani@gmail.com 1177. Ms. Geeta Arora Information Technology Sangru 8054665500 geetuarora1685@gmail.com 1178. BARSHA AGARWAL IT SKILLS SILIGURI 7384000135 cabarshaagarwal@gmail.com 1179. MR. VIKRAM ADITYA SAP HYDERABAD 9000796555 vinay.kr.sini@gmail.com 1180. ANANTH LAKSHMI NARAYANA KALISETTY Excel HYDERABAD 9949423474 ANANTH.LN@YAHOO.COM 1181. CA. KARAN SUNTHANKAR Mumbai 02233671421 karansunthankar@gmail.com 1182. CA. Siddharth Keskar Mumbai 9892361664 siddharth1232001@gmail.com 1183. Adv. Aviral Sahai Mumbai 02233671421 aviral.sahai@cyrilshroff.com 1184. CA. Dilip Dixit Mumbai 02233671417 dilip.dixit@gdaca.com 1185. ARUL JOTHI P BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY TIRUPUR 9790613451 caaruljothi@live.com 1186. PROFESSOR RAGHUNATHAN RENGASWAMY DATA SCIENCE AND AI ZANZIBAR 255712444806 infodesk@iitmz.ac.in 1187. PUNEET GUPTA Amritsar 8146422099 puneet.gupta@lift.global 1188. NIRAV PATEL TALLY PRIME AHMEDABAD 9722209320 nirav.patel@tallysolutions.com 1189. KANSAL HIMANSHU Informational technology, Artificial Intelligence in finance Nagpur 00917122734514 abhijit@kelkarcoca.com 1190. ADITYA KRISHNA SASTRY CHITTI Information Technology Vijayawada 9959948771 aditya.sastry29@gmail.com 1191. Dr Matthew Wong Kuala Lumpur +60172356777 admin@carbongpt.ai 1192. Nataraj Veeramani Kuala Lumpur +60321731188 my_info@pwc.com 1193. BOOBNA RAJAT CISA related topics Kolkata 9831195559 rajatboobna@gmail.com 1194. ROHIT RAJEEV SHAH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ETC. PUNE 7020117167 carohitshah@gmail.com 1195. ROHIT RAJEEV SHAH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND TECHNOLOGY pune 7020117167 carohitrshah@gmail.com 1196. SRUJANA SANTOSHI VISWANATHAM IT Skills
TaxesANANTAPUR 9492094867 Srujanasantoshi1@gmail.com 1197. BALAJI GANESH B V IT Skills
AccountingHindupur 9591172175 balasavbg@gmail.com 1198. Mr. Dhaval Lotia Data Security & Management Practice to be Followed by CA rajkot 972536933 info@skytechtechnologies.com 1199. Harshit Doshi Business Intelligence Tools, Information technology Nunawading 0061469571157 harshit.doshi@gmail.com 1200. SHUBHAM SURESHKUMAR SARAF FARIDABAD 9925473540 shubham.saraf@lntmhipower.com 1201. Naveen Sharma IT & Automations in Finance, System Integration Bengaluru 8039136308 naveen_sharma@infosys.com 1202. NUNE VENKATA SUJITH Indirect Taxation Nellore 8688878884 ca.sujithss@gmail.com 1203. CA Paritosh Shah IT-SKILL Bhavnagar 8866564987 shahparitosh777@gmail.com 1204. Jyoti Dandona Agile Development Melbourne 0061404577084 Jyotidandona@gmail.com 1205. Tick Jiang Artificial Intelligence Melbourne 0061414520252 tick@nuvc.ai 1206. Ms. Sanghamitra Dhar LinkedIn for Personal Branding Delhi 8447408554 sanghamitra@ilanetwork.org 1207. Neha Runghta Blogging& Content making kolkata 900734414 neha@e-intellisense.com 1208. Mr. Hemant Chabria Youtube kolkata 9830022890 justvideo@gmail.com 1209. AMLAM SANYAL DASHBOARD DISPLAY
TABLEAUsiliguri 7908862650 siliguri@icai.org 1210. Mr. Ranjith Raveendran IT – Skills Ernakulam 7829798098 v-rarave@microsoft.com 1211. Benin Thomas IT – Skills Ernakulam 7829798099 v-bentho@microsoft.com 1212. Kannan Nambi Tally Certified Kalyan 9768480301 knbestsolution@gmail.com 1213. Kannan Nambi Tally Certified Kalyan 9768480301 knbestsolution@gmail.com 1214. Rishi Bhuwalka IT Tools- Microsoft Office/G-Suite, Workspace efficiency KOLKATA 9874207067 rishibhuwalka@gmail.com 1215. Mr. Ruchir Jain Mumbai 9830482486 ruchir.jain@crompton.co.in 1216. Mr. Harshvardhan Chhallani CoPilot in the World of Chartered Accountancy Aurangabad 9850841615 hvc@vijaycopolymers.com 1217. Sri Hritavash Saha AI Tools Siliguri 7980621469 hritavash.s@inspiria.edu.in 1218. SUNNY AGARWAL Excel with Chat GPT kolkata 9874360294 sunny.agarwal20012@gmail.com 1219. MOUSHIKHA SARKAR IT- KOLKATA 6289227617 MOUSHIKHASARKAR95@GMAIL.COM 1220. SUKRIT SINHA IT KOLKATA 9836249421 SUKRITSINHA1998@GMAIL.COM 1221. RASHMI KANTA MAHAPATRA AI & Audit Automation Navi Mumbai 9892005199 rkchartered@yahoo.com 1222. Er. Mahesh Sanghavi Cyber Security Nashik 8668746346 sanghavi.mahesh@gmail.com 1223. GOYAL VIKAS AI FARIDABAD 9630009631 VIKASG@CERAGON.COM 1224. Dr. Amber P. Mehta Cyber law expert Jamnagar 93271121344 dr.amber.mehta@gmail.com 1225. JACKY RAMKUMAR LUND Excel Exper with Chatgpt Ulhasnagar 9022338834 cajackylund@gmail.com 1226. Shailendra S Yadav Master in Tally Rewari 9896010551 shailyji@gmail.com 1227. Sushil M Ravani ZB Org Creation Jaipur 8428676791 sushil.m@zohocorp.com 1228. Sushil M Ravani ZB Org Creation Jaipur 8428676791 sushil.m@zohocorp.com 1229. Syed Naazer Customisation and Automation Jaipur 9566868256 syed.naazer@zohocorp.com 1230. CHARLES ANTHONY LESLIE CORREIA Internal audit protiviti tec audits USA 999999999 abc@gmail.com 1231. Tarun Dhavan Internal Audit practice and technology risk Delhi 999999999 abc@gmail.com 1232. Tarun Dhavan Internal Audit and Technology Risk toronto 999999999 abc@gmail.com 1233. Tarun Dhavan Internal Audit and Technology risk Toronto 999999999 abc@gmail.com 1234. ANANTHA PADMANABAN N Digital Finance Transformation Bengaluru 9902818643 nanantha@gmail.com 1235. ANANTHA PADMANABAN N Digital Finance Transformation Bengaluru 9902818643 nanantha@gmail.com 1236. MAHESH PRASAD ADVANCE EXCEL Delhi 8010095651 icaigurugram@gmail.com 1237. SAI SUBASH A AI Tools Chennai 9840521132 saisubash96@outlook.com 1238. Nishanth Krishna Poruri Audit Automation Tools hydrabad 9949988455 ca.nishanthporuri@gmail.com 1239. SAINATH CHAKRAVARTHY KUMAR REDDY PALEM Analytics, Automation, Digital Transformation Hyderabad 9908044882 casainathreddy1@gmail.com 1240. Lalith jain DT Hyderabad 04029707026 hyderabad@icai.org 1241. Lalith jain DT Hyderabad 04029707026 hyderabad@icai.org 1242. Kalindri Lakhani Accounting Software, Tally, Tally TDL and Modules Ahmedabad 919662210742 info@innovatorinfotech.com 1243. LOKESH AGARWAL AI Hack Guwahati 9854940794 agarwallokesh06@gmail.com 1244. AAKASH GARG PALWAL 7404179512 aakashgarg121@gmail.com 1245. Song Hock Koon Kuala Lumpur +60383153000 clic@mdec.com.my 1246. Anita Sivasubramanian Head of Data Science and AI Chennai 7305032316 anitha.sivasubramanian@gmail.com 1247. PANKAJ TANEJA DIRECT TAX, INTERNAL AUDIT, AI SAMASTIPUR 9818055623 hrkpankaj@gmail.com 1248. Mr. H. K. Jhala Police Sub Inspector, Cyber Crime Police Station, Jamnagar Jamnagar 2882666610 cyber-cid@gujarat.gov.in 1249. SHANTAM JAGDISH AGRAWAL AI Use Cases Nagpur 8793868422 shantam.agrawal03@gmail.com 1250. Peeyush Agrawal IT Skills Bhilai 9392197697 xyz@gmail.com 1251. SREEJITH R Passed Diploma in Computerised Financial Accounting by Datapro Infoworld. Knows MS Office (Data analysis using MSExcel) and Tally. Has done audit under CBS environment and is familiar with Finacle,Flexcube and Bancs). Has attended
various training prograKottayam 9846385502 sreejithrav@gmail.com 1252. NITIN IQBALCHAND SACHDEVA IT Skills USA 9422801509 nsachdeva@delaplex.com 1253. Parag Patki. Mr. Parag Patki is the esteemed Managing Partner for Consulting & Advisory Services at TCS, where he spearheads a dynamic team in the APAC region. His expertise is pivotal in driving digital-led business transformations, focusing on critical areas such as Sydney 61405699154 parag.patki@tcs.com 1254. PRIYA KARWA siliguri 8927271632 karwapriya11@gmail.com 1255. Shri Amrit Raj Singh Addl. Commissioner of Income-tax(TDS) Range – 1 Bangalore 18001030025 IncomeTax@gmail.com 1256. Shri H S Manjunath Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax CIT (TDS) Circle-1 Bengaluru Bangalore 18001030025 IncomeTax@gmail.com 1257. Smt. Deepa P Income Tax officer (TDS), Ward-1(3) ,Bengaluru BENGALURU 18001030025 IncomeTax@gmail.com 1258. PIYUSH AGARWAL Internal Audit Palia 9415166108 care.pgaa@gmail.com 1259. DHAVAL MANGESH KODILKAR Ai in Audit Mumbai +917620732618 dhaval@accountingally.in 1260. MAYURI DAGA AUDIT, IT, BHOPAL 9893640476 mayuri.daga@camukherjee.in 1261. Mr Pankaj Bafna Mumbai 9029214728 adpankajbafna@gmail.com 1262. Advocate Darshan Bafna mumbai 8879583091 darshanbafna@bafnalegal.com 1263. Suman Sawant Account and Finance Navi Mumbai 9870942557 suman@sarvadnyainfotech.com 1264. ROHAN RADHEYSHYAM AGARWAL Practical uses of AI in CA Practice and Productivity tips in Microsoft Word/Excel Mumbai 9967271476 rohanagarwalca@gmail.com 1265. DHANESH KISHORE MEHTA Mr Dhanesh Mehta, a fellow CA with 25+ years experience in FP&A, Cost Control, Auditing, Treasury, Tax Advisory, Due Diligence, Valuation, Business Advisory role across Agri-tech (B2B Startup), Engineering, Automotive, Construction, Renewable Energy and F Dar es Salaam 255699300400 mehta_dhanesh@yahoo.com 1266. Caleb Bett Caleb Bett is a seasoned ICT professional with over 14 years of extensive experience in Enterprise & SaaS technology and Business Intelligence (BI) solutions design. He excels in leading the Business Development Services department, seamlessly integrating Nairobi 254716568899 caleb.bett@sunesiskenya.com 1267. Stephen Kahuria Stephen Kahuria is a cloud expert who helps clients across East and Southern Africa leverage
Microsoft cloud solutions for their business needs. He is also an online instructor for Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure at Udemy, where he teaches learners from varNairobi 254718636632 stephen.k@reddotdistribution.com 1268. KUSHAL RAJ IT puducherry 9092598030 cakushal26@gmail.com 1269. CA Rajendra Rampuria Power Query & MS Excel Kolkata 9831401999 rajendra@rrampuria.com 1270. Mr. Prakash Loganath Being Digital: Conceptualization to Digital Transformation Navi Mumbai 9987064533 prakash.loganath@ril.com 1271. RASHIQUE KANDAM PARAMBIL Advanced Excel Kozhikode 9539470799 carashiquekp@gmail.com 1272. RITHESH KAKKARA Advanced Excel Kozhikode 999079905 ritheshkakkara@gmail.com 1273. Omer Baysal Cybersecurity Focus Doha 0097455060695 somanath.arun@gmail.com 1274. Mr. Parth Patel Various Features of Tally Prime 5.0
Audit Trail,
Filling GST Return from Tally, etc.Bangalore 9409771885 rajkoticai4@gmail.com 1275. Nishith Seth Forensic Audit / Digital Transformation Manama 0097338892927 nishith.seth@ssplme.com 1276. SHIJITH V C Practice Management Software Vadakara 9633056370 shijithvc@gmail.com 1277. KAPIL SEHRAWAT IT AND AI PALWAL 918053999988 KAPILSEHRAWAT1619@GMAIL.COM 1278. SUMIT BHAGAT IT SKILL – ADVANCE EXCEL KOLKATA 9007272840 cabhagatsumit@gmail.com 1279. ALLA VENKATA SURYA RAJESH KUSHWANTH Visakhapatnam 7995693499 avsr08081999@gmail.com 1280. SRIVATHSAN P B Excel , IT Chennai 9940041768 srivathsan.pb@gmail.com 1281. Dr. Arpit Doshi IT Skills Pune 7350688009 pimpri.chinchwad@icai.org 1282. Azim Mukri IT Audit | Project Management | Digital and IT Strategy & Innovation | Cloud | AI & ML | Agile Certified | Enterprise Architecture | Enterprise Performance | Data Analytics | Financial Technology | Dar es Salaam 255713113323 amukri@deloitte.co.tz 1283. Pradeep Gujaran Power BI Dubai 0507010185 pradeepb@icai.org 1284. Sh. Ankush Mishra Cyber Crime and Investigation. Amritsar 9412080875 ankush.misha@uttarakhandpolice.uk.gov.in 1285. JOHN GEORGE IT & Digital Expert Abu Dhabi 971501120755 inboxletters@gmail.com 1286. PRADEEP THIMMAPPA GUJARAN Power BI Trainer Abu Dhabi 971501869299 pradeepb@icai.org 1287. R SARAVANA PERUMAL DINDIGUL 9843759247 saravana52@gmail.com 1288. PRADEEP K R Fundamentals of Search under the IT Act,
1961 (Procedural Aspects)Bangalore 9845010541 krpradeep@krpradeep.com 1289. MANJERI SIVAN SESHAN IT Skills Malappuram 9447187406 msseshan@gmail.com 1290. Federico Castanedo Artificial Intelligence Abu Dhabi 971528214887 pdc@icaiauh.org 1291. Maria Sanchez Artificial Intelligence Abu Dhabi 971566603902 maria.sanchez@inceptionai.ai 1292. ANIKET MANOJ AGRAWAL IT SKILLS AND AI USED CASES CHANDRAPUR 9623336247 CAANIKETAGRAWALMUL@GMAIL.COM 1293. Roddy Govender, Director Cybersecurity Roddy is a Director in KPMG’s Vancouver office. He is the GVA Regional Leader for Cyber Defense (Penetration Testing, Red Teaming, etc.) and Response Services (Incident Response, Digital Forensics, etc.) services. He has over 14 years of experience in pro Vancouver 6046913000 ashutoshvats1@kpmg.ca 1294. Jason Stevenson, Director Technology Risk Consulting – Cyber Security & Digital Trust Jason is a Director in KPMG’s Cyber Security practice in Victoria, specializing in cyber security and information protection. Jason has extensive experience in aligning security capabilities to the needs of the business, while effectively managing risks i Vancouver 6046913000 ashutoshvats1@kpmg.ca 1295. MUKESH KUMAR SAP ERP Delhi 9560479090 mukesh.kumar@jindalsaw.com 1296. GUNVANTKUMAR CHANDUBHAI PATEL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AHMEDABAD 9724974683 patelgunvant1434@gmail.com 1297. CA. Mansi Nagda Mumbai 9029334334 camansivnagda@gmail.com 1298. Adv. Ajinkya Kurdukar Mumbai 2222877107 kurdukar@kurdukarassociates.com 1299. Dr. Narendra Kumar Director General of Income Tax, Karnataka & Goa Karnataka 9880007905 blrregistrations@icai.in 1300. Er Mahesh Sanghavi Google features Nashik 9423390385 sanghavi.mrcoe@snjb.org 1301. PANJWANI DHEERAJ Oracle ERP Financials and Quote to Cash implementation experience. Technology leader in digital transformation for organizations working in Mfg, Software and Hi-Tech industries. Downingtown 16104572150 dheeraj@icaipa.org 1302. JYOTHI RAJENDRAN SAP Financials Implementation PHILADELPHIA 7273189983 jyoster@gmail.com 1303. CA. Pankaj Jain AI basics in Accounting Guwahati 9864023964 bizskill17@gmail.com 1304. CA. Pankaj Jain AI Basics in Accounting Guwahati 9864023964 bizskill17@gmail.com 1305. VIRAG DILIP MEENA SHAH Artificial Intelligence (AI) Mumbai 7043154500 viragshah@icai.org 1306. APURVA AGARWAL Excel Bhubaneswar 9853665144 apurva.agarwal095@gmail.com 1307. Prathamesh Jagdish Mhatre IT AND ZOHO Mumbai 9969209446 tm5.skrathi@gmail.com 1308. ABHAYKUMAR PARESHBHAI GAUSWAMI MICRO SOFT EXCEL MORBI 9099384447 gauswamiabhay@gmail.com 1309. AKHILA G NAIR Thiruvananthapuram 0 icaitvmit@gmail.com 1310. Abanti Sen Kolkata 9831715442 soumyadipta.das@capsage.in 1311. HEMANT CHOURASIYA Artificial Intelligence Khandwa 8871771471 chourasiyahemant96@gmail.com 1312. Suganda Delhi 8806173666 sugandha@exlservice.com 1313. HARSHIT JAIN Udaipur 9530077428 harshitdevra@gmail.com 1314. Abhilasha Badola Audit Tools of Tally Dehradun 9639017710 abhilashabadola20@gmail.com 1315. VENKATESH R PADIYAR IT Specialists Bangalore 9741310156 padiyar@thynkfinn.com 1316. Sushil M Ravani Technical Trainer in Zoho books Chennai 8428676791 sushil.m@zohocorp.com 1317. ROHIT JAIN ADVANCE TECHNOLOGY IN EXCEL TONK 9460065132 rhtjn67@gmail.com 1318. MUKESH KUMAR EXCEL ACCESS Dhanbad 9708501956 msaw28@gmail.com 1319. CA. Garima Batra Mumbai 9096826971 batragarima12@gmail.com 1320. SUKESH GUPTA Tally, Advance Excel Panipat 9996797787 sukeshgupt@gmail.com 1321. NIRAV NARSINHBHAI PATEL Advance IT solutions for Practicing CA Office Management SURENDRANAGAR 9429051550 nnpatelco@gmail.com 1322. NIRAJ BHAVSAR TALLY SOFTWARE BHARUCH 9824013959 niraj_bhavsar@yahoo.com 1323. SHREYA AGRAWAL Information Technology ODISHA 9437085859 shreya.agrawala8@gmail.com 1324. Amit Agarwal Use of AI tools in Preparation and Analysis of Financial Statements KOLKATA 9883356818 amitagarwal98833@gmail.com 1325. CHANDAN SAMDANI Tally Bhilwara 9413975612 CHANDAN.SAMDANI_CA@YAHOO.CO.IN 1326. KASHIF KHAN IT EXPERT JODHPUR 8118811477 kashif.khan2747@gmail.com 1327. SHREYAS KUMAR M AI & IT BENGALURU 8826755111 Shreyasmrao@gmail.com 1328. G Yaswanth Kumar Power BI MUMBAI 7658966659 gyaswanthkumar123@gmail.com 1329. Kishan Kavadia Advance Excel Mumbai 7817044493 kishan.kavadia@gmail.com 1330. CHANDANI MAHESH RATHOD ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE KALAMBOLI 8691022227 cachandani.co@gmail.com 1331. Kailas Kandalkar Datacenter IT environments, AI Intelligence, Cyber Security & Forensics, Cloud Infrastructure mumbai 919967633526 kailas.k@askkonsultech.com 1332. RAVI RADHAKRISHNA KAMATH BFSI, Information Technology & Law Mumbai 9820368813 ca.ravi.kamath@gmail.com 1333. Dinesh Khatri Delhi 9891998111 centrehead@saraswatiaccountants.com 1334. Manish Gupta New Delhi 9810178771 manish@saraswatiaccountants.com 1335. GOVIND SUBHASH SHARMA IT Consulting AMRAVATI 9923327905 amravati@icai.org 1336. Mr. Sibasankar nayak Tally Bargarh 9438038386 sibasankar@fincrony.com 1337. SINGH JASWINDER RPA, AI, ML Gurugram 9899257118 jaswindermac@gmail.com 1338. Tinku Mathrani ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND IT Mumbai 9011034467 sales@lexlegis.ai 1339. Mr. Vikas Jain Accounting and IT professional BEAWAR 9462554772 sukhdev.chauhan008@gmail.com 1340. NIKHIL CHITTORA Udaipur 7230084655 nikhilchittora@gmail.com 1341. NAVRATAN KUMAWAT IT Udaipur 9414757310 navratankumawat@gmail.com 1342. RONAK MEHTA Udaipur 9571648344 mehtaca.ronak@gmail.com 1343. SWATI JAIN Udaipur 9460377321 swati.jain5558@gmail.com 1344. VIKRAM SHRIPALRAJ LALWANI Pune 9960971234 vikramslalwani@gmail.com 1345. Mr. Tarang Bansal CYBER FRAUD & SECURITIES NEEMUCH 7000156516 neemuch@icai.org 1346. Mr. Sushil M. Ravani IT Ernakulam 8428676791 sushil.m@zohocorp.com 1347. NITIKA KAPOOR MS Excel, Audit and Taxation Jammu 9858625019 nitikakapoor972@gmail.com 1348. Mr. Aarish Khan Tally Prime Expert Mumbai 9702484941 bezzieinfotech@gmail.com 1349. Prithvi Sudra Skilled in Business Development, Business Strategy, Organizational Development, Business Analysis Melbourne 061370181626 Secretary@icai.melbourne 1350. SHREYA JAIN Chartered Accountant Delhi 9811140470 cashreyajain04@gmail.com 1351. PRATEEK KUMAR KHEMKA ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE NAUGACHIA 8981311198 ca.pkhemka@gmail.com 1352. POOJA VINOD KAKU Income Tax
Information Technology- Artificial IntelligenceDadar 9769494348 pooja28kaku@gmail.com 1353. VISHAL PRAKASH GANDHI AI Ahmednagar 9822390900 mail@cavishalgandhi.com 1354. Gautam Chakraborty AGM-Product Excellence in Tally RANIGANJ 7044484415 gautam.chakraborty@tallysolutions.com 1355. Ganesh Shah IT Security, Computer Technologies Pune 9309530260 sales@gansanit.com 1356. Naresh Sharma Head of IT Risk and Cybersecurity (CISO),with Cathay Group. Has over 30 years of experience in Information Technology. Hong Kong +85269379850 nareshsharma.ns@gmail.com - Others
- Post Qualification Course in Information Systems Audit
- Post Qualification Diploma in International Taxation
- Soft Skills & Personality Development